
Friday, July 27, 2007

New York Sen. Charles E. Schumer, “No more confirmations of Bush high court nominees”

Sen. Schumer said on Friday that the Senate should not confirm another United State Supreme Court Nominee under President Bush. The senator is alarmed at the how the court seems to be leaning towards changing some of the precedents established by previous courts.
The idea that a United States Senator would suggest that the Senate should not confirm another nominee as long President Bush is in office is just simply shocking. The Constitution gives the Senate the power to advice and consent not to choose to accept or delay until a new President takes office. A new opening on the court does not appear likely but, if one did become open the Senate does not have the power to just not consider nominees because a President has had too many in their opinion.

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Universal Health Care and Michael Moore

Michael Moore has a movie out called "Sicko." It may be shocking to some but his "documentary" has a political message in it. He is advocation for a universal single payer health care system. He said on HardBall with Chris Matthews, he wanted a system "funded and run by the Government." He went on to say that of the Presidential Candidate he most supported Dennis Kucinich because he supported H.R. 676 by Rep. Conyers. This discussion is in the clip below.

The Problem with this is where in the Constitution does it give the Federal Government the responsibility or authority to impose a national health care program. This first of is an issue to be handled by each state. States are addressing the problems with the current health care system. Notably Hawaii and Massachusetts have both created plans that deal with helping everyone of their residents get health insurance. Lets focus though, this debate is not entirely about health care. Advocates from the left have been trying for years to expand the role of the Federal Government. They feel that the Federal Government should be used for much more than what the Constitution envisioned it as. They now want it to become the great equalizer. They are departing from what the founders envisioned for the federal government. The Founders felt local governments were more effective at helping the people then a Federal Government. That is why they limited the powers of the Federal Government and gave the majority of the responsibilities to the states. Those who wish to socialize our country find that it is either to time consuming or impractical to go into each state to push their goals. It is much easier for them to tackle it once so they will not have to wage 50 public opinions battles that in many states they will never win because some states will never be convinced of the merits of their programs. In the clip below Michael Moore made the argument that people have been brainwashed against socialized medicine when it really is better.

The facts on other countries health care systems are not as rosy as Michael Moore would like us to believe. In Fact Americans who are diagnosed with Prostate or Breast Cancer are around 20% more likely to be cured then their European counterparts. I find it hard to believe that Americans would be willing to give up their private insurance in order to accept a socialized system that would put them at a much more significant risk if they were to acquire certain ailments. But whether the system is better or not should nut be our main issue here.

American need to stand up and demand that the Constitution be taken seriously. It may seem easier for the Federal Government to impose requirements on all the states and all the people, but we live in American and our society is based on laws. How can we take anyones policy suggestions seriously when they run contrary to the supreme law of our land?

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