
Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Anti-American, Defeatist, Far Left fringe never learns

Roll Call Reports,

"Liberal Democratic lawmakers will push House leaders to return the Iraq War to center stage as early as next week."

When things are getting better why not just pull out. They want defeat at any cost. It is just shamefull they hate America so much.

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Even Bill Clinton thinks 9/11 Truthers are Idiots

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Mitt Romney's New Ad in California

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Berkley Council Guilty of Treason

The Contra Costa times reports,

Hey-hey, ho-ho, the Marines in Berkeley have got to go.
That's the
message from the Berkeley City Council, which voted 6-3 Tuesday night to tell
the U.S. Marines that its Shattuck Avenue recruiting station "is not welcome in
the city, and if recruiters choose to stay, they do so as uninvited and
unwelcome intruders."
In addition, the council voted to explore enforcing
its law prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation against
the Marines because of the military's don't ask, don't tell policy. And it
officially encouraged the women's peace group Code Pink to impede the work of
the Marines in the city by protesting in front of the station.
In a separate
item, the council voted 8-1 to give Code Pink a designated parking space in
front of the recruiting station once a week for six months and a free sound
permit for protesting once a week from noon to 4 p.m.

"I believe in the Code Pink cause. The Marines don't belong here, they
shouldn't have come here, and they should leave," said Berkeley Mayor Tom Bates
after votes were cast.

This is the ultimate case for treason. It is one thing to have an opinion and voice it about the war, it is quite another to remove Marine recruiters. This kind of action should not be tolarated in America. Those who voted for this resolution should be found quilty of treason and removed from office. Tell Mayor Tom Bates how disgraceful his actions and comments are, his email address is

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Maybe Hillary is not so bad after all

ABC reports,
"In six years as a member of the Wal-Mart board of directors, between 1986 and 1992, Hillary Clinton remained silent as the world's largest retailer waged a major campaign against labor unions seeking to represent store workers."

She may have forgot now, but at one time it appears she realized that Unions are bad for buisness. They rob and steal from buisness and the actual employees so the union bosses can gain power and grow rich

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Saturday, January 26, 2008

Edwards as Obama's AG; Kiss the American Economy Goodbye

Robert Novak Reports,

Illinois Democrats close to Sen. Barack Obama are quietly passing the word that
John Edwards will be named attorney general in an Obama administration.
Installation at the Justice Department of multimillionaire trial lawyer
Edwards would please not only the union leaders supporting him for president but
organized labor in general. The unions relish the prospect of an unequivocal
labor partisan as the nation's top legal officer.
In public debates, Obama
and Edwards often seem to bond together in alliance against front-running Sen.
Hillary Clinton. While running a poor third, Edwards could collect a substantial
bag of delegates under the Democratic Party's proportional representation.
Edwards then could try to turn his delegates over to Obama in the still unlikely
event of a deadlocked Democratic National Convention.

Just what we need an Anti-American Economy, Anti-Free market, Socialist in the Attorney General's Office. The impact of an Attorney General John Edwards would be the dismantling of the American Economy and the return to overburdensome government control that wrecked the economy in the 60s and 70s. I hope America will wake up and realize the threat from those who want to destroy the America Economy is real. Their strategies of socialism have been tried before by Republicans and Democrats alike and the end result is the destruction of the America Economy.

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Monday, January 21, 2008

Gen. David H. Petraeus possibly getting a Promotion; He has most certainly earned it

The New York Time is reporting,

The Pentagon is considering Gen. David H. Petraeus for the top NATO
command later this year, a move that would give the general, the top American
commander in Iraq, a high-level post during the next administration but that has raised concerns about the practice of rotating war commanders.

A senior Pentagon official said that it was weighing “a next assignment for
Petraeus” and that the NATO post was a possibility. “He deserves one and that
has also always been a highly prestigious position,” the official said. “So he
is a candidate for that job, but there have been no final decisions and nothing
on the timing.”
General Petraeus has earned a promotion. He has successfully implemented the surge and has made tremendous progress in Iraq. Then instead of being given the appreciation he deserved, the far left took an ad out labeling him a traitor. None the less, he showed up and served admirably. He would serve as an excellent Commander of NATO. I am proud that such great American Patriots exist and are willing to stand up to those who want to blame America for everything and label our Heroes as traitors.

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Saturday, January 19, 2008

McCain uses Huckabees words against him in South Carolina

In a new ad in South Carolina John McCain defends the attacks on him by Mike Huckabee with Quotes from none other than Mike Huckabee.

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Watch out: Democrats try to federalize SCHIP and move towards socialzied medicine under the cover of "the economy"

From Newsday,

Democratic lawmakers on Friday cited the slowing economy as a reason that the
House should override President Bush's veto of a bill that would increase
spending on a popular children's health insurance program.

Now there is a creative tactic. Just use a bad economy to change the sucessful childrens health insurance program by moving Kids off of Private insurance onto the public roles. Lets also take the control from States and shift them to the federal government. The democrats have no shame. They will use a bad economy to attack the Constitution and move towards socialized medicine, Forget States Rights and the limited enumerated powers of Congress. Lets also forget that increased Government control over the economy in the form of health care will only harm our economy more. The history of government control has led to lower economic growth and larger recessions. The White House responded with a great quote,

"Ultimately, our nation's goal should be to move children who have no health
insurance to private coverage, not to move children who already have private
health insurance to government coverage," Bush said.

Lets stand up to this attack on our Constitution, Form of Government, and Economic System.

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Tuesday, January 15, 2008

You have got to love a Congressional Commission that ignores the facts to urge increase in taxes

The National Surface Transportation Policy and Revenue Study Commission came out today with the recomendation to increase gas taxes by 40 cents in order to pay for infastructure improvements in the aftermath of the Minnesota Bridge Collapse.

Never mind the fact the collapse was due to a design flaw in the building of the bridge.

Link Here

Don't let facts get in the way of a good tax increase.

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Monday, January 14, 2008

Thompson Liftoff

From the Corner on National Review,

All eyes are naturally enough on the Michigan primary tomorrow—all eyes,
that is, except mine, Jonathan Adler's, and those belonging to readers of this
happy Corner who have been wondering, along with Jonathan and me, when the polls
down in South Carolina would finally begin to move in Fred Thompson's direction.
Now, Rasmussen reports, they
. Fred ain't dead. Lately, as the South Carolina debate demonstrated to
all the world, he ain't even drowsy.
Which brings me to a question. Earlier
today I talked with an old friend who's close to the Thompson campaign. At every
Thompson campaign stop in South Carolina, he told me, there is something new:
real excitement. The crowds are big and growing by the day—for the first time,
people are being turned away from Thompson events because they're already full.
The state troopers are showing that special deference and respect they reserve
for candidates whom they actually suspect will soon become the commander in
chief. And Thompson himself is pointed, energetic, combative. In other words,
the campaign feels as though its achieving liftoff.

It is about time, but thankfully its not too late.

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Bush Finally Targets Congressional Earmarks!

From Roll Call,

The White House may link a possible executive order eliminating thousands of earmarks with a call for reprogramming the funding, perhaps through a direct rebate to taxpayers or by putting the savings into children’s health care or bridge repair programs, according to House and Senate Republicans close to the issue.

It is about time someone starting holding Congress responsible for their pork barrel buffet.

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Fred Thompson's New Ad in South Carolina

Here is the New Fred Thompson ad in South Carolina showing he is the only Real Conservative in the race.

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Sunday, January 13, 2008

Fred Thompson lay out the case against Mike Huckabee

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Nanny State Alert: California wants to control home tempatures

The International Herald Tribune is running this article that says California is giving power to State regulators to control Home thermostats. This is just a growing form of big government that is working to limit your personal freedom while preventing a free market solution to the problem that they are trying to "solve." From the Article,

The proposed rules are contained in a document circulated by the California
Energy Commission, which for more than three decades has set state energy
efficiency standards for home appliances, like water heaters, air conditioners
and refrigerators.
The changes would allow utilities to adjust customers' preset temperatures when the price of electricity is soaring. Customers could override the utilities' suggested temperatures. But in emergencies, the utilities could override customers' wishes.You realize there are times - very rarely, once every few years - when you would be subject to a rotating outage and everything would crash including your computer and traffic lights, and you don't want to do that," said Arthur Rosenfeld, a member of the energy commission.
Reducing individual customers' electrical use - if necessary, involuntarily - could avoid that, Rosenfeld said. "If you can control rotating outages by letting everyone in the state share the pain," he said, "there's a lot less pain to go around."

While no one argues that it is not good to have rolling black outs, the solution though could be a little simpler. How about you all companies to build new capacity in California without burdensome regulation. How about allowing competition to provide power to residents. That would make too much sense when you can just play big brother and take away peoples personal freedoms.

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Saturday, January 12, 2008

When Huckabee is asked about his record all he can do is make personal attacks

In Thursday's Presidential Debate Governor Mike Huckabee's record as Governor was exposed by Sen. Fred Thompson. Instead of addressing the concerns that were raised about his Conservative record Huckabee could only respond by saying, "I think Fred needs some Metamucil, I think it would help a lot. He was in a bad mood last night."

Wrong again, Gov. Huckabee what happened is that you were exposed as the liberal that you are. You raised taxes as Governor, you put illegal immigrants ahead of Americans, and have joined the democrats in the church of bush hate. It is not being in a bad mood to show the true Mike Huckabee. Your record should be exposed because the more that comes out the worse you look. Just because you are a baptist minister does not make you a conservative.

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Is it pandering or just poor policy

In an article by Las Vegas Revew Journal, Hillary is quoted as saying,

A man shouted through an opening in the wall that his wife was illegal.
"No woman is illegal," Clinton said, to cheers.

Is this just Hillary pandering or does she have no clue on the importance of immigration? It is getting real old hearing Hillary say anything people want to hear just so she can pick up a few extra votes. Electing a President should be a serious decision not people running around trying to make everyone happy.

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Tuesday, January 8, 2008

No, Iran is not up to no good, just keep believing that

From the AP,

The top U.S. Navy commander in the area said an Iranian fleet of high-speed
boats charged at and threatened to blow up a three-ship U.S. Navy convoy passing
near but outside Iranian waters on Monday, as they headed into the Persian Gulf
through the Strait of Hormuz. The Iranian fleet "maneuvered aggressively" and
then vanished as the American ship commanders were preparing to open fire, said
Vice Adm. Kevin Cosgriff. No shots were fired.

If you listen to some Iran has been the victim of the big bad United States. I think this incident puts it more in line. Iran is up to no good, but how dare anyone mention that.

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Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Why John Edwards is unfit to be President

From the New York Times,

John Edwards says that if elected president he would withdraw the American troops who are training the Iraqi army and police as part of a broader plan to remove
virtually all American forces within 10 months.
Mr. Edwards, the former senator from North Carolina who is waging a populist campaign for the Democratic nomination, said that extending the American training effort in Iraq into the next presidency would require the deployment of tens of thousands of troops to provide logistical support and protect the advisers.
“To me, that is a continuation of the occupation of Iraq,” he said in a 40-minute interview on Sunday aboard his campaign bus as it rumbled through western Iowa.

This just proves that John Edwards is unfit to be President. However you feel about our use of force in Iraq not even leaving anyone behind to train police would be a complete disaster. Just more proof the John Edwards is capable of being President of the United States

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Fred Thompson's message to Iowa Voters

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