
Monday, June 2, 2008

Democrats and Enviromentalists want you to pay $8 for Gas

The anti-american, anti-freedom, big government climate change bill is up for debate now. The Democrats and Enviormentalists want you to pay $8 for gas as well as higher utlity bills all in the name of "Global Warming." It is time to stand up to these groups and say we Real Americans do not want more government and higher prices but Freedom. Every solution does not need to be big government. Let the market work and educate people to make their own choices.

Here is an article

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Thursday, May 29, 2008

Obama's Church at it again

A new video has surfaced from Barack Obama's Church and it is quiet scary. The pastor speaking is a regular guest at the Church and a friend of Barack Obama who was featured on his website until it was just removed because of the video. Now they have turned their hate and racism towards Hillary Clinton. It is time that we got real answers from Barack Obama about his feelings on race and his attitude towards the church that he was a member of for 20 years and his pastor and friends. We know very little about Sen. Obama and he should come out and be honest with us all.

Here is the video:

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Even Clinton aknowledges Iraq trip with McCain not bad

Hillary Clinton today weighed in on the Obama Iraq Controversy. Obama has resisted going to Iraq with John McCain even though he has only gone once. Today Hillary Clinton had this to say about John McCain and the trips she took with him, "“I have the highest respect and regard for Sen. McCain, he and I have actually gone to Iraq and Afghanistan together, and I honor his service to our country and his patriotism.” Sounds like Hillary is willing to see the truth while Barack Obama perfers to employ empty rhetoric without knowing the truth.

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About that Recession the media has been talking about

For the past several months we have heard time and time again from the media about the horrible Recession that was going on. We have heard from the Bush detractors about the horrible Economy and the Bush Recession. Well, as it turns out we are not in a recession. By the definition of recession it is two quarters of negative growth. Now, originally Economists had predicted a .6% gowth rate in the first quarter. Now, it turns out that the economy grew more than expected at .9%. While that is not great growth it appears to be setting up what Alan Greenspan always called a soft landing where we go in a downturn, which always happens because the economy is cyclical, but we dont go into a recession. That allows the next wave of the cycle to pick and add more growth with no contraction in the economy. It looks we are doing better than the media and poltical talking heads thought, now wait for the spin because nothing can be good as long as President Bush is in charge.

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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Why would Obama go to Iraq

The National Journal has this:
RENO, NV -- In a Reno gymnasium festooned with American flags, John McCain knocked Barack Obama today for failing to visit Iraq since 2006 or meet with the U.S. generals overseeing the military efforts in the region.
McCain contrasted Obama's accused negligence with the Illinois senator's proposal to meet with Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, asking, "Why is it that Senator Obama wants to sit down with the president of Iran but hasn't yet sat down with General Petraeus, the leader of our troops in Iraq?"
The McCain camp's criticism of Obama's single pre-surge trip to Iraq originated Sunday, when surrogate Sen. Lindsey Graham raised the issue and proposed a joint McCain/Obama trip to the region as a solution. (McCain has visited eight times to Obama's one.) McCain told the Associated Press Monday that he hopes to use such a venture to "educate" Obama. The Republican National Committee joined in today, posting a clock of the days elapsed since the likely Democratic nominee visited Iraq.
McCain reiterated that appeal, saying of the proposed trip with Obama, "I would be glad to go with him because these issues are far more important than any election. The security of this nation is far more important than any political campaign."
He read aloud the Obama camp's strongly-worded reaction statement, in which spokesman Bill Burton derided the offer as a "political stunt" and called McCain's optimism about the war a "false promise."
"That is a profound misunderstanding of what's happened in Iraq and what's at stake in Iraq," McCain retorted.
"I will never surrender in Iraq," he added, "I will not let that happen."

Of Course Obama will not go or meet with Generals. Then he would not be able to honestly through around his empty rhetoric. It would also require him to lead on an issue that he has knowledge of. Something he has not bothered to do in his brief experience of running for higher office after higher office.

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More Members for Congress?

The Washington Post is discussing if the Congress should have more members. The Last time the membership number of the House changed was 1911. Since we have obviously grown a lot since then should the membership increase? If it does keep increasing when would it become unmanageable?

The Post from Capital Briefing from the Washington Post:

With members of Congress so very popular right now in the eyes of the
American people -- the latest
Gallup poll
puts congressional approval at a solid 18 percent -- perhaps the
time is right to give the public more of what it loves.
Whether the voters
actually want it or not, the argument for a bigger House of Representatives is
the basis for a new
by the California-based research center Miller-McCune. Surveying the latest
scholarly work, the piece makes the case that House districts now cover so many
people that members may not represent their constituents as well as they could,
or should.
When the current size of 435 members was established in 1911, each
House district covered roughly 200,000 people. Now the average district size is
more like 640,000, and the number will keep going up as long as the U.S.
population grows without the House growing along with it. Other western
democracies like Britain and Germany have larger lower houses of parliament than
we do, even though they have far fewer citizens.
So how big should the House
be? One study cited in the
Miller-McCune piece suggests the chamber could grow by about 50 percent, to 650
members. That would knock each district down to a more manageable 430,000 or so
constituents (still more than double the size the districts were the last time
the House expanded).
Now, a bigger House might mean lawmakers would be more
responsive to helping constituents get their Social Security checks. But would
it do a better job on lowering gas prices, dealing with illegal immigration or
any of the other tasks that the public currently thinks Congress does terribly?
And do angry voters really want a lot more lawmakers making $170,000 per year,
airing annoying campaign ads, and finding new ways to become enmeshed in
Probably not.
Nor does there appear to be a huge appetite on
the Hill for such a move. In the 109th Congress, Rep. Alcee
(D-Fla.) introduced a bill "to establish a commission to make
recommendations on the appropriate size of membership of the House." The measure
picked up just one cosponsor and never even got a committee hearing.
On a
selfish level, Capitol Briefing would absolutely LOVE to cover the expansion of
the House. As things stand, congressional districts are re-drawn by each state
at least once every 10 years following the census, giving governors, state
legislators and other political operatives the opportunity to jockey for
advantage. Can you imagine the chaos if all of the sudden there were 200-plus
new seats to play with?
Unfortunately, Capitol Briefing does not have a vote
in the House to help make this happen. Perhaps the 650-member "House of the
Future" could include slots for a few bloggers.

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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Al Queda calls for use of WMD on civilians, but dont worry some think they are just misunderstood

Everytime I read a new article about how bad we treat terrorists and they should be given the same rights as Americans I get a little worked up. When people refuse to play by the rules they should not be rewarded by being treated better than other Military Prisoners. I think the people who push these kinds of view have lost track about what this is really about. The terrorists do not care about rules they do not care how many innocent people they kill just to accomplish their senseless views. They hit us once and we have to do everything possible to hunt these people down and hold them responsible for their actions.

From ABC News,

Intelligence and law enforcement sources tell ABC News they are expecting al Qaeda supporters will post a new video on the Internet in the next 24 hours, calling for what one source said is "jihadists to use biological, chemical and nuclear weapons to attack the West."
"There have been several reports that al Qaeda will release a new message calling for the use of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) against civilians," FBI spokesman Richard Kolko told ABC News in an e-mail.
"Although there have been similar messages in the past, the FBI and [Department of Homeland Security] have no intelligence of any specific plot or indication of a threat to the U.S.," the e-mail said. "The FBI and U.S. intelligence community will review the message for any intelligence value."
While there is no evidence of any direct threat, the FBI sent a bulletin to 18,000 law enforcement agencies across the country, out of an abundance of caution.
Some independent analysts don't think the public should worry much.
Ben Venzke, the CEO of IntelCenter, a group that monitors terrorist communications on the Web, said the video, entitled "Nuclear Jihad, The Ultimate Terror," is a jihadi supporter video compilation and not from an official group.
"Supporter videos are made by fans or supporters who may not have ever had any contact with a real terrorist," Venzke said. "These videos almost always are comprised of old video footage that is edited together to make a new video."
He said the material in these types of videos does not qualify as an official message from al Qaeda or any other group.
"Considering them so would be the equivalent of considering a 10-year-old's homemade fan video of his favorite sports team to be an official team message," Venzke said. "IntelCenter is not aware of any new imminent message by al-Qaeda or any other leading jihadist group in audio or video form that will call for the use of WMD against civilians."
Word of the new tape comes on the heels of a spate of messages from Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda's second-in-command, Ayman al-Zawahiri.
Earlier this month, al Qaeda released an audio message from bin Laden, excoriating the media and countries that are supportive of Israel. The release was timed to coincide with the nation's 60th anniversary and President Bush's trip to the region.
So far this year, four bin Laden tapes have surfaced.
In April, the terror group released audio recordings in which al-Zawahiri answered questions submitted to an online forum several months earlier.
The increasing volume of tapes seems to signal to the law enforcement and intelligence communities that top al Qaeda leadership is comfortable monitoring current events and communicating messages frequently.
Officials have tracked the trend, but FBI director Robert Mueller downplayed the surge of messages during an appearance earlier this month, noting that "there is a difference between al Qaeda's ability to communicate internally and al Qaeda's ability to post a message on the Internet. As we all know, the Internet is so broad. The access is absolutely open that just about anybody can post material on the Internet."

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Obama's Hypocritical Stance

Obama today blasted the fact John McCain for not letting the press into fundraisers with President Bush and claimed it is becasue John McCain is ashamed the President. Does that mean Barack Obama is ashmaed of Florida Democrats and Oprah since he has held fundraisers with them that did not allow in the press.

From the National Journal

Barack Obama, speaking in Nevada today about the nation's housing crisis,
launched his speech by chiding John McCain for holding a fundraiser with
President Bush. Full speech after the jump, but here's the related (and largely
predictable) snippet:
Today, John McCain is having a different kind of
meeting. He’s holding a fundraiser with George Bush behind closed doors in
Arizona. No cameras. No reporters. And we all know why. Senator McCain doesn’t
want to be seen, hat-in-hand, with the President whose failed policies he
promises to continue for another four years.

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Saturday, May 24, 2008

Why Would Howard Dean want to eliminate the Electoral College?

Howard Dean told Time Magazine this week that he was in favor of eliminating the electoral college. Why would he say that?
USA Today stepped up the answer the question with this

Republican strategists can envision a scenario in which Obama wins the popular
vote but loses in the Electoral College -- he might galvanize Southern black
turnout, for example, but still fail to switch a state in the region.
the 10 strategists interviewed by Politico for this story, there was
near-uniform belief that had any other Republican been nominated, the party's
prospects in November would be nil. ...
The case they make for a comfortable
McCain win is not beyond reason. Begin with the 2004 electoral map. Add Iowa and
Colorado to Obama's side, since both are considered states Obama could pick off.
Then count McCain victories in New Hampshire and Michigan, two states where
McCain is competitive. In this scenario, McCain wins the Electoral College
291-246, a larger margin than Bush four years ago.
If Obama managed only to
win Iowa from Republicans and McCain managed only to win Pennsylvania, McCain
would still win by a much greater margin than Bush - 300-237.

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Friday, May 23, 2008

Florida Speaker of the House expresses why Obama is wrong on Cuban Policy

Florida House Speaker Marco Rubio, the first Cuban-America ever elected to the post, released a statement showing why Obama is wrong on siting down with Castro.
"I support the current U.S. policy against Cuba, including the travel ban for most Americans. I also recognize that some people may respectfully disagree with my support of these limitations on Americans visiting Cuba.
In my view, however, there should be no disagreement with the fact that under no circumstances should the U.S. negotiate the future of Cuba with Raul and Fidel Castro. The Castros do not govern officially over a foreign state; such a view would be naïve and, to many, even offensive. They do not govern, they dictate, and the result is tyranny because they have never had the consent of, nor have they been elected by, the people they control.

Negotiation with the Castros would violate that most precious of all American beliefs that the only power government can possess is the power that the people consent to bestow.
The United States is the great single beacon of hope for Cuba.
We must ask: 'What type of message do we send if an American President sits across a table from a tyrant like Raul Castro?'"

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Thursday, May 22, 2008

The Barack Obama Lobbyist Show!

Barack Obama, his supporters,, and other liberal messengers all love to attack McCain for lobbyists working on his campaign staff. The fact is their side is far from pure and the whole thing is kind of crazy anyway. Lobbyists are people too, and they need work in non-election years. This issue just shows that the Obama campaign is so busy trying to act pure that they have not come to term with what they are preaching.

National Review online had this to say,

"But if our friends on the left want to have this fight, then what's good for the goose is good for the gander.
So can we expect a front page story on:

Daniel Shapiro, one of Obama's foreign policy advisers on the Middle East, registered to lobby for several corporate clients in the last year, since leaving the office of Rep. Bill Nelson (D-Fla). Shapiro, who worked during the 1990s for President Bill Clinton's National Security Council, counts some of America's biggest corporate names among his clients, including beermaker Anheuser-Busch, carmaker Daimler Chrysler, the American Petroleum Institute and Freddie Mac.
Obama considers the point that he doesn't take money from oil companies (no one does; he just takes money from their employees) worth mentioning in an ad. So if their money is tainted, why is it okay to take advice from their lobbyists? How can Obama say he'll get tough on automakers to make sure they make fuel-efficient vehicles, if a Daimler Chrysler lobbyist has his ear?
Stupid argument? No more so than the idea that Charlie Black will be setting McCain's Africa policy. More:
Three political aides on Sen. Barack Obama's (D-Ill.) payroll were registered lobbyists for dozens of corporations, including Wal-Mart, British Petroleum and Lockheed Martin, while they received payments from his campaign, according to public documents.
The BP connection is through Teal Baker, who worked for the Podesta Group.
Or how about lobbyists for those dreaded insurance companies?
Brandon Hurlbut, Obama's liaison to veterans, union members and senior citizens in New Hampshire, represented clients such as the National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies and the Allegheny County Housing Authority from January to June, according to public records. Six clients paid B&D Consulting $380,000 for Hurlbut to lobby their causes.Or how about pharmaceutical companies? They're popular in Democratic circles.
Hillary Clinton's campaign, which accepts lobbyists' donations and is now trailing in the polls, has sought to question Obama's commitment to his lobbying ban. In a debate Saturday night in New Hampshire, she noted that Obama's campaign co-chairman in New Hampshire, Jim Demers, is a state-based lobbyist whose clients include pharmaceutical companies. He is not registered at the federal level.
Wait, there's more. How about AT&T, opponent of "net neutrality" and a company that cooperates with the NSA on wiretaps?
The Washington Post previously reported that Moses Mercado, a veteran political adviser to the likes of Dick Gephardt's former presidential bids, was negotiating last fall to become an adviser to Obama. Mercado was registered in Washington to lobby on behalf of several several corporate clients, including AT&T.
Mercado said today he ultimately decided to skip becoming a paid adviser and instead is volunteering his advice and time in hopes of sidestepping the questions about being a lobbyist on the Obama payroll. Mercado was departing today to Nevada to help Obama with that state's caucuses.
How about a lobbyist as chief of staff in an Obama administration?
One of Obama's chief surrogates, former Senator Tom Daschle, is being talked up as possible chief of staff in an Obama administration. He's currently a "Special Public Policy Advisor" at Alston & Bird, where his duties are described, "as a non-attorney, Senator Daschle focuses his services on advising the firm's clients on issues related to all aspects of public policy with a particular emphasis on issues related to financial services, health care, energy, telecommunications and taxes. In addition, he advises on trade and international matters." His title may not be "lobbyist ," but when he joined the firm in 2005, NPR described their interview with him this way: "Tom Daschle, the former Democratic leader in the U.S. Senate, discusses politics, the party and his new job as a lobbyist."
Now, all of these folks may be fine folks - I think rather highly of Daschle for the way he handled the anthrax attack in his office - and if Obama wants them on his team, that's his decision. But I don't see why McCain should be raked over the coals for Black while Obama gets a pass for his lobbyist staffers, advisers, surrogates and helpers."

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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Combating the Bush Haters

The Bush haters have been around for a number of years bashing The President and blaming every car accident and wildfire on him. They attack John McCain as a third bush term and refer to him by the loving term McSame. The fact is the reality of the Bush Presidency is much different than they discribe. Investors Buisness Daily had a great editorial describing that the Bush Presidency is much better than Barack Obama and the Demcorats want you to believe

"How about a dose of reality?"

  • The editorial points out the real deal of what happened.
  • We have had great economic times and we seem to be pulling out of the current downturn without even a recession, thanks in part to tax cuts
  • We have had no terrorist attack on US soil since 9/11
  • We are safer than we thought we would be after 9/11 thanks to taking the war to the terrorist and tougher anti-terrorist efforts.

Lets Hope the American people see the real deal not the distortion that the Bush haters, Democratic Hitmen, and Barack Obama want you to see.

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The divisive Obama Cantidacy

Barack Obama's canidacy is becoming apparently more and more divisive. With terms like Racism and Sexism floating in the air it looks now like he cannot count on long time democratic support. Geraldine Ferraro the one time Democratic Nominee for Vice President of the United States has said in a New York Times that, “I think Obama was terribly sexist.” Compare that with the fact that NBC reported on the air tonight that 41% of the Clinton voters in the democratic primary in Kentucky would vote for McCain over Obama. It is hard to trace why such a division has taken place. The division seems to be happening on just gender lines but also the fact that moderate democrats find Obama to be too far left for their taste. The question now as Obama emerges as the presumtive nominee is can he moderate his message to pick up the rest of these votes and in doing so can he prevent from alienating his current supporters?

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Monday, May 19, 2008

Who is to blame for Gas Prices?

There has been a lot of talk from Democrats about Gas Prices and Oil Prices. They want to tax the oil companies and force them to produce more oil. That leaves a problem we still would not have enough gas as there are not enough refinearies. Democrats have fought them as well as other good alternatives, President Bush said this yesterday, "Those who are screaming the loudest for increased production from Saudi Arabia are the very same people who are fighting the fiercest against domestic exploration, against the development of nuclear power and against expanding refining capacity,"
We also have added ethenol to our gas which makes it tougher to refine and cost more because we subsidize the corn production. We should also limit speculation in these markets as they are vital to our national economy. But, we will not get any of these solutions as long as the Democrats that are in charge want to appease too many groups and increase taxes while refusing to fix any of the problems facing the country.

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Thursday, May 15, 2008

I thought that Democrats were for a total and complete seperation of Church and State

I have heard over and over again Democrats attack republicans and President Bush over having personal feelings about Religion. They have said they should keep religious feelings to themselves and there should be a total and complete seperation of State. If thats true why is Barack Obama sending this ad out in Kentucky? But, wait didnt Michelle Obama and Barack Obama not like those who clung to their religion and guns? I guess double talk never gets old.

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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Democrats want to Tax Again!!

Look out, The Democrats are out to raise taxes again. But you do not have to worry they just want to add a 1% tax on those making over 500,000 and couples making over 1,000,000. Forget the fact that these people already pay a majority of taxes lets just add a new surcharge. Democrats have proved again and again they are incapable of making the tough decisions of choosing between programs that work and dont. Instead they just want new taxes to fund new programs while not having to cut anything. The lack of Respect that the Democrats show these taxpayers is out of hand. They pay a majority of the taxes and the democrats take pot shots at them while they are doing it. This is just the latest effort of the Democrats to strip away the American Dream and replace it with a handout state.

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Monday, May 12, 2008

Who is Really Running the Show?

Robert Novack is quoting sources inside the Obama campaign as saying that he will not be able to pick Hillary Clinton as a Vice Presidential Cantidate because Michelle Obama has vetoed it.

That leads us to a bigger question about the Obama campaign, Who is really in charge? It seems like every Democratic Nominee is beholden to his spouse (Clinton, Kerry, and now Obama). So if that is the case why has been Obama been attacking the two for aspect of the Clinton Campaign when his house is no different.

For a Cantidate we already do not know enough about and has big questions in regards of Leadership, can he really afford this perception. We need a strong leader as President of the United States not First Lady.

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Saturday, April 12, 2008

Tax and Spend Happy California at it Again!

California is at it again. Article Here
"Joe Six-pack will have to pay a lot more to get his buzz on if Assemblyman Jim Beall has his way.
The San Jose Democrat on Thursday proposed raising the beer tax by $1.80 per six-pack, or 30 cents per can or bottle. The current tax is 2 cents per can. That's an increase of about 1,500 percent.
Beall said the tax would generate $2 billion a year to fund health care services, crime prevention and programs to prevent underage drinking and addiction.
"The people who use alcohol should pay for part of the cost to society, just like we've accepted that concept with tobacco," Beall said."

Tax and Spend policies in America have gotten so far out of control. The founding of our country was on Freedom, liberty, and Personal Responsibility. Our current elected officals have lost site of this and now are pushing to control every aspect of our lives. It is time "The People" fought back and asked for the end of Big Government and a return to personal responsiblity!

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Monday, February 18, 2008

Did Obama plagiarize? The Video says yes

Sen. Barack Obama was caught in copying a speech From Gov. Patrick. The Obama camp says they share style, etc. The Video shows it was rearranged but the same words. Sen. Joe Biden's 1988 campaign was stopped by a simiar charge. Will History repeat itself?

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Monday, February 4, 2008

HillaryCare just gets scarier and scarier

Hillary Clinton went on the ABC program “This Week.” with George Stephanopoulos. George really pressed Hillary Clinton on exactly how her Universal Health care mandatory requirement would be enforced and wether it would include garnishment of wages. She responded by saying, “George, we will have an enforcement mechanism, whether it’s that or it’s some other mechanism through the tax system or automatic enrollments.”

HillaryCare is what is wrong with politics today. She thinks it is appropriate for the government to tell everyone what they should do. This is an outright assault on the freedoms we enjoy in this country. Her solution to a free market is to make it mandatory and her solutions are garnishing peoples wages, automatic enrollment, or raising your taxes. This is the kind of big government everyone should fear. What is next she will require me to join a gym and if I do not join they just take the enrollment out of my paycheck or raise my taxes.

This issue has moved beyond HealthCare. Healthcare needs to be reformed, but Hillary proves that she is not intrested in Freedoms and Liberties of the American People. She shows she is a Big Government liberal who is only intrested in expanding the Power and Reach of the Government. These unconstiutional grabs at power must be stooped regardless of what well intention reasoning is attached to them.

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Saturday, February 2, 2008

Funny Ron Paul Ad exposing McCain's weakness on the Economy

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Hillary Clinton on Immigration during the debate, I hope she was kidding

I listened to the Demoratic Debate on Tuesday Night. As Hilary began to talk about Immigration as I was simply shocked. I felt that she must be kidding, but no laughs came. I guess Hillary is just that out of touch with the rest of America.

She started with her rant by saying those that harbored and aided Illegal Aliens were doing nothing wrong. She believes that those help these people as they commit their crime are just good samartians. Excuse me, If a poor person holds up a bank and I help hide them I sure am going to go to jail for aiding a criminal, what the difference.

Next she tells the crowd that it is our responsibility to help the illegals learn English. Actually it is not. If people want to come to America they can learn English all on their own. In all generations passed we expected Immigrants to learn English they were put in the same classrooms as any other kid and they picked up English and then they taught thier parents. We most certainly should not develop special programs to assist those that have willingly broken the law.

These statments just prove how out of touch Hillary Clinton and her Pro-Illegal Immigrant crowd is with mainstream of America.

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Friday, February 1, 2008

Far Left Fringe Alert: Code Pink heckles Gov. Huckabee

KCBS San Francisco Reports,

Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee was heckled by protestors during a speech in San Francisco Thursday.
Members of the anti-war group Code Pink shouted down the former Arkansas governor during an address before the Commonwealth Club. They were eventually hustled out of the Fairmont Hotel ballroom

I guess Anti-American, Defeatism of the far left fringe just will not end.

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Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Anti-American, Defeatist, Far Left fringe never learns

Roll Call Reports,

"Liberal Democratic lawmakers will push House leaders to return the Iraq War to center stage as early as next week."

When things are getting better why not just pull out. They want defeat at any cost. It is just shamefull they hate America so much.

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Even Bill Clinton thinks 9/11 Truthers are Idiots

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Mitt Romney's New Ad in California

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Berkley Council Guilty of Treason

The Contra Costa times reports,

Hey-hey, ho-ho, the Marines in Berkeley have got to go.
That's the
message from the Berkeley City Council, which voted 6-3 Tuesday night to tell
the U.S. Marines that its Shattuck Avenue recruiting station "is not welcome in
the city, and if recruiters choose to stay, they do so as uninvited and
unwelcome intruders."
In addition, the council voted to explore enforcing
its law prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation against
the Marines because of the military's don't ask, don't tell policy. And it
officially encouraged the women's peace group Code Pink to impede the work of
the Marines in the city by protesting in front of the station.
In a separate
item, the council voted 8-1 to give Code Pink a designated parking space in
front of the recruiting station once a week for six months and a free sound
permit for protesting once a week from noon to 4 p.m.

"I believe in the Code Pink cause. The Marines don't belong here, they
shouldn't have come here, and they should leave," said Berkeley Mayor Tom Bates
after votes were cast.

This is the ultimate case for treason. It is one thing to have an opinion and voice it about the war, it is quite another to remove Marine recruiters. This kind of action should not be tolarated in America. Those who voted for this resolution should be found quilty of treason and removed from office. Tell Mayor Tom Bates how disgraceful his actions and comments are, his email address is

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Maybe Hillary is not so bad after all

ABC reports,
"In six years as a member of the Wal-Mart board of directors, between 1986 and 1992, Hillary Clinton remained silent as the world's largest retailer waged a major campaign against labor unions seeking to represent store workers."

She may have forgot now, but at one time it appears she realized that Unions are bad for buisness. They rob and steal from buisness and the actual employees so the union bosses can gain power and grow rich

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Saturday, January 26, 2008

Edwards as Obama's AG; Kiss the American Economy Goodbye

Robert Novak Reports,

Illinois Democrats close to Sen. Barack Obama are quietly passing the word that
John Edwards will be named attorney general in an Obama administration.
Installation at the Justice Department of multimillionaire trial lawyer
Edwards would please not only the union leaders supporting him for president but
organized labor in general. The unions relish the prospect of an unequivocal
labor partisan as the nation's top legal officer.
In public debates, Obama
and Edwards often seem to bond together in alliance against front-running Sen.
Hillary Clinton. While running a poor third, Edwards could collect a substantial
bag of delegates under the Democratic Party's proportional representation.
Edwards then could try to turn his delegates over to Obama in the still unlikely
event of a deadlocked Democratic National Convention.

Just what we need an Anti-American Economy, Anti-Free market, Socialist in the Attorney General's Office. The impact of an Attorney General John Edwards would be the dismantling of the American Economy and the return to overburdensome government control that wrecked the economy in the 60s and 70s. I hope America will wake up and realize the threat from those who want to destroy the America Economy is real. Their strategies of socialism have been tried before by Republicans and Democrats alike and the end result is the destruction of the America Economy.

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Monday, January 21, 2008

Gen. David H. Petraeus possibly getting a Promotion; He has most certainly earned it

The New York Time is reporting,

The Pentagon is considering Gen. David H. Petraeus for the top NATO
command later this year, a move that would give the general, the top American
commander in Iraq, a high-level post during the next administration but that has raised concerns about the practice of rotating war commanders.

A senior Pentagon official said that it was weighing “a next assignment for
Petraeus” and that the NATO post was a possibility. “He deserves one and that
has also always been a highly prestigious position,” the official said. “So he
is a candidate for that job, but there have been no final decisions and nothing
on the timing.”
General Petraeus has earned a promotion. He has successfully implemented the surge and has made tremendous progress in Iraq. Then instead of being given the appreciation he deserved, the far left took an ad out labeling him a traitor. None the less, he showed up and served admirably. He would serve as an excellent Commander of NATO. I am proud that such great American Patriots exist and are willing to stand up to those who want to blame America for everything and label our Heroes as traitors.

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Saturday, January 19, 2008

McCain uses Huckabees words against him in South Carolina

In a new ad in South Carolina John McCain defends the attacks on him by Mike Huckabee with Quotes from none other than Mike Huckabee.

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Watch out: Democrats try to federalize SCHIP and move towards socialzied medicine under the cover of "the economy"

From Newsday,

Democratic lawmakers on Friday cited the slowing economy as a reason that the
House should override President Bush's veto of a bill that would increase
spending on a popular children's health insurance program.

Now there is a creative tactic. Just use a bad economy to change the sucessful childrens health insurance program by moving Kids off of Private insurance onto the public roles. Lets also take the control from States and shift them to the federal government. The democrats have no shame. They will use a bad economy to attack the Constitution and move towards socialized medicine, Forget States Rights and the limited enumerated powers of Congress. Lets also forget that increased Government control over the economy in the form of health care will only harm our economy more. The history of government control has led to lower economic growth and larger recessions. The White House responded with a great quote,

"Ultimately, our nation's goal should be to move children who have no health
insurance to private coverage, not to move children who already have private
health insurance to government coverage," Bush said.

Lets stand up to this attack on our Constitution, Form of Government, and Economic System.

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Tuesday, January 15, 2008

You have got to love a Congressional Commission that ignores the facts to urge increase in taxes

The National Surface Transportation Policy and Revenue Study Commission came out today with the recomendation to increase gas taxes by 40 cents in order to pay for infastructure improvements in the aftermath of the Minnesota Bridge Collapse.

Never mind the fact the collapse was due to a design flaw in the building of the bridge.

Link Here

Don't let facts get in the way of a good tax increase.

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Monday, January 14, 2008

Thompson Liftoff

From the Corner on National Review,

All eyes are naturally enough on the Michigan primary tomorrow—all eyes,
that is, except mine, Jonathan Adler's, and those belonging to readers of this
happy Corner who have been wondering, along with Jonathan and me, when the polls
down in South Carolina would finally begin to move in Fred Thompson's direction.
Now, Rasmussen reports, they
. Fred ain't dead. Lately, as the South Carolina debate demonstrated to
all the world, he ain't even drowsy.
Which brings me to a question. Earlier
today I talked with an old friend who's close to the Thompson campaign. At every
Thompson campaign stop in South Carolina, he told me, there is something new:
real excitement. The crowds are big and growing by the day—for the first time,
people are being turned away from Thompson events because they're already full.
The state troopers are showing that special deference and respect they reserve
for candidates whom they actually suspect will soon become the commander in
chief. And Thompson himself is pointed, energetic, combative. In other words,
the campaign feels as though its achieving liftoff.

It is about time, but thankfully its not too late.

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Bush Finally Targets Congressional Earmarks!

From Roll Call,

The White House may link a possible executive order eliminating thousands of earmarks with a call for reprogramming the funding, perhaps through a direct rebate to taxpayers or by putting the savings into children’s health care or bridge repair programs, according to House and Senate Republicans close to the issue.

It is about time someone starting holding Congress responsible for their pork barrel buffet.

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Fred Thompson's New Ad in South Carolina

Here is the New Fred Thompson ad in South Carolina showing he is the only Real Conservative in the race.

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Sunday, January 13, 2008

Fred Thompson lay out the case against Mike Huckabee

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Nanny State Alert: California wants to control home tempatures

The International Herald Tribune is running this article that says California is giving power to State regulators to control Home thermostats. This is just a growing form of big government that is working to limit your personal freedom while preventing a free market solution to the problem that they are trying to "solve." From the Article,

The proposed rules are contained in a document circulated by the California
Energy Commission, which for more than three decades has set state energy
efficiency standards for home appliances, like water heaters, air conditioners
and refrigerators.
The changes would allow utilities to adjust customers' preset temperatures when the price of electricity is soaring. Customers could override the utilities' suggested temperatures. But in emergencies, the utilities could override customers' wishes.You realize there are times - very rarely, once every few years - when you would be subject to a rotating outage and everything would crash including your computer and traffic lights, and you don't want to do that," said Arthur Rosenfeld, a member of the energy commission.
Reducing individual customers' electrical use - if necessary, involuntarily - could avoid that, Rosenfeld said. "If you can control rotating outages by letting everyone in the state share the pain," he said, "there's a lot less pain to go around."

While no one argues that it is not good to have rolling black outs, the solution though could be a little simpler. How about you all companies to build new capacity in California without burdensome regulation. How about allowing competition to provide power to residents. That would make too much sense when you can just play big brother and take away peoples personal freedoms.

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Saturday, January 12, 2008

When Huckabee is asked about his record all he can do is make personal attacks

In Thursday's Presidential Debate Governor Mike Huckabee's record as Governor was exposed by Sen. Fred Thompson. Instead of addressing the concerns that were raised about his Conservative record Huckabee could only respond by saying, "I think Fred needs some Metamucil, I think it would help a lot. He was in a bad mood last night."

Wrong again, Gov. Huckabee what happened is that you were exposed as the liberal that you are. You raised taxes as Governor, you put illegal immigrants ahead of Americans, and have joined the democrats in the church of bush hate. It is not being in a bad mood to show the true Mike Huckabee. Your record should be exposed because the more that comes out the worse you look. Just because you are a baptist minister does not make you a conservative.

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Is it pandering or just poor policy

In an article by Las Vegas Revew Journal, Hillary is quoted as saying,

A man shouted through an opening in the wall that his wife was illegal.
"No woman is illegal," Clinton said, to cheers.

Is this just Hillary pandering or does she have no clue on the importance of immigration? It is getting real old hearing Hillary say anything people want to hear just so she can pick up a few extra votes. Electing a President should be a serious decision not people running around trying to make everyone happy.

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Tuesday, January 8, 2008

No, Iran is not up to no good, just keep believing that

From the AP,

The top U.S. Navy commander in the area said an Iranian fleet of high-speed
boats charged at and threatened to blow up a three-ship U.S. Navy convoy passing
near but outside Iranian waters on Monday, as they headed into the Persian Gulf
through the Strait of Hormuz. The Iranian fleet "maneuvered aggressively" and
then vanished as the American ship commanders were preparing to open fire, said
Vice Adm. Kevin Cosgriff. No shots were fired.

If you listen to some Iran has been the victim of the big bad United States. I think this incident puts it more in line. Iran is up to no good, but how dare anyone mention that.

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Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Why John Edwards is unfit to be President

From the New York Times,

John Edwards says that if elected president he would withdraw the American troops who are training the Iraqi army and police as part of a broader plan to remove
virtually all American forces within 10 months.
Mr. Edwards, the former senator from North Carolina who is waging a populist campaign for the Democratic nomination, said that extending the American training effort in Iraq into the next presidency would require the deployment of tens of thousands of troops to provide logistical support and protect the advisers.
“To me, that is a continuation of the occupation of Iraq,” he said in a 40-minute interview on Sunday aboard his campaign bus as it rumbled through western Iowa.

This just proves that John Edwards is unfit to be President. However you feel about our use of force in Iraq not even leaving anyone behind to train police would be a complete disaster. Just more proof the John Edwards is capable of being President of the United States

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Fred Thompson's message to Iowa Voters

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