
Saturday, January 19, 2008

Watch out: Democrats try to federalize SCHIP and move towards socialzied medicine under the cover of "the economy"

From Newsday,

Democratic lawmakers on Friday cited the slowing economy as a reason that the
House should override President Bush's veto of a bill that would increase
spending on a popular children's health insurance program.

Now there is a creative tactic. Just use a bad economy to change the sucessful childrens health insurance program by moving Kids off of Private insurance onto the public roles. Lets also take the control from States and shift them to the federal government. The democrats have no shame. They will use a bad economy to attack the Constitution and move towards socialized medicine, Forget States Rights and the limited enumerated powers of Congress. Lets also forget that increased Government control over the economy in the form of health care will only harm our economy more. The history of government control has led to lower economic growth and larger recessions. The White House responded with a great quote,

"Ultimately, our nation's goal should be to move children who have no health
insurance to private coverage, not to move children who already have private
health insurance to government coverage," Bush said.

Lets stand up to this attack on our Constitution, Form of Government, and Economic System.

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