
Sunday, September 30, 2007

Hillary's Socialism gone bad, $5,000 for every baby?

Hillary Clinton has never met a government handout she does not like. She now wants to give $5,000 to every baby born in America. This is one of the most tax and spend socialist Ideas I have seen in awhile. She doesnt even say how she is going to pay for it, but I am sure it means we will need to raise taxes. This is not the role of the federal government and is Unconstiutional.

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After the war discussion, the investigation, and the grandstanding Congress still has not done their job

Congress has spent countless hours talking about useless measures and ammendments on the War that dont accomplish their goal of getting out. They have spent even more hours investigating the Bush administration. The remainder of the time has been spent grandstanding on the previous two issues and a myriad of other items. Lost in the shuffle they forgot to do their job. Congress appropriates the money the nation spends. Yet Congress seems to not have found to do their prinicpal job. I for one am outraged they have yet to pass final versions of even one appropration bill and wonder why this outrage is not getting more attention.

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Friday, September 28, 2007

Dems now want to raise your taxes "for global warming," I dont buy it

The Democrats are now making arguments to raise taxes to "fight global warming"

These taxes include

50 cent gasoline tax

Carbon Tax

Removing intrest tax deductions for homeowners

This is Big Government at its worst. Now they want to tax the crap out of gas, impose a whole new tax, and tell homeowners what kind of homes they should own. What do they propose to do with this "necessary revenue" spend it. At least they could be honest they want to raise our taxes for the sake of raises taxes to spend more. That is what this is all about. The Democrats have never seen a tax they have disliked.

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Speaker Pelosi takes a stand, against border fence, in favor of Dream Act; She should be honest, In favor of Illegals at the expense of Americans

Speaker Nancy Pelosi took a stand yesterday against the border fence. Then she went on to talk about how wonderful the Dream Act was.

"The DREAM Act would eliminate a federal provision that discourages states from providing illegal immigrants with lower in-state tuition rates. It also would allow permanent residency for illegal immigrants who entered the country as children and have been admitted to an institution of higher education."

In reponse to this act she said this, "It just isn't fair," Pelosi said. "Those young people who came to America one way or another ... their opportunities are curtailed because of the situation. And it's not only harmful to them — it's harmful to the country."

Or maybe it just isn't fair to Americans to have to pay for those who come here illegally. The only conclusion I can come with is that Nancy Pelosi just does not get it and apparently does not understand the law.

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Thursday, September 27, 2007

Break the Union save the Company

The case of the GM strike brought some issues up for me that I have been working through for the past few days. Now the GM has put its strike to bed lets look at the issue. Health Care has now been shifted from GM to the Union. This will allow GM to do what it does best making cars not being the largest health care provider in America. They also got this without having to lock in where their plants are located in the future.

Before everyone jumps in bashing me for supporting job exporatation that is not what I am saying. Take the case of Caterpillar. In the 1980s they were losing around a billion dollars a month. They has battles with the UAW in the 1980s and early 90s when facing these losses they laid off employees. In the 1990s Caterpillar finally took a stand and locked out workers and hired replacement workers. They then lessed the impact of unions on their company and opened factories in right to work states. This has returned the company to profitablility and have increased their workforce on average 4% a year. These workers are well paid and are happy to do the job in these southern right to work states.

The car companies should learn from Caterpillar and focus new plants not abroad but in southern states where they can gain non-union profitablilty and the ability to make sucess. Many of these states are trying to land such plants with favorable tax benefits. The other lesson that should be taken away jobs that make people money and have sucess are not always union jobs.

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Wednesday, September 26, 2007

House Does not have Veto proof majority on SCHIP and Rangel admits what it is really about.

The House passed SCHIP last night but they do not have enough votes to overide a Presidential Veto. Rep. Charles Rangel admitted druing the debate what it was all about Socialized Medicine and expansion of a government run program and they would use the kids for political cover.

"It hardly matters that the expansion would be expensive or a step toward socialized health care, Rep. Charles Rangel, D-N.Y., said during the House debate. When lawmakers go home, he said, "the question is, Were you with the kids or were you not?""

It is time we tell congress to reauthorize the currently great SCHIP program and not hold our kids hostage for an attempt for Socialized Medicine.,0,2312672.story

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Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Fred Thompson: A cantidate that actually Understand the Constitution

It is nice to see a Presidential Canidate that actually understand the Constitution and how it should work. This was a refreshing video to watch.

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Monday, September 24, 2007

Obama and Edwards want to change Social Security from a contribution based Insurance system to wealth redistribution system

Presidential Cantidate Barrack Obama today proposed a similar plan to what John Edwards has mentioned to change Social Security. Social Security was set up as a contribution based insurance system to make sure people could live if they lived extremly long lives or became disabled. It was designed as a voluntary system that people could join to gain security. Over time it was shifted to a mandatory system, but they maintained the contribution based system that promises you get back most of what you put in. Now, Obama and Edwards want to change that. They think that those making over 97,000 a year should now be forced to pay payroll taxes on the amount over 97,000. This in fact changes the system form a contribution based system to a new method of wealth distribution. While it seems nice to make others pay it is a further encroachment of our Federal Government, and a step towards the socialization of America. These were not the principles that our country was founded on. We need to look back and decide what America really needs and it is not a method to tax our way to sucess. We must look for creative solutions to fix our problems and make our society better but increased taxes and socilaization is not that path.

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Sunday, September 23, 2007

Bush Prepared to veto SCHIP, will derail federal power grab

President Bush is prepared to veto the State Childrens Health Insurance Program reauthorization. This is a good move for America. The Program was designed to give low-income children the health insurance they could not afford. This program has been widely successful. Now Congress has seen its reauthorization to move the country more towards socialized medicine and wants to expand SCHIP to a larger portion of the population. This bill also takes away a lot of the state choices and puts them under federal control. Congress also waited until the program was just about to expire to send the bill to the President. They have essentially help the children of America hostage in order to give more federal control to health care. We should be proud as Americans that President Bush is willing to stand up for what is right and for the constition and veto this bad bill and send it back to congress to reauthorize a good program not try to expand their power.

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Saturday, September 22, 2007

Education Reform by Edwards? Pre-K, Shouldn't we get K-12 right first

John Edwards made his "education reform" proposal. I find it hardly to be any kind of reform. He wants to create a universal Pre-K program funded and run by the federal goverment. Not only is this a blatant unconsitutional federal grab, but it also does nothing to fix an already broken K-12 system. This with the Edwards proposal you get no reform just more tax and spend and increase in the size of the government for the sake of government growth.
He also proposes to increase teacher pay in lower income areas. This will probably provide some benefit. But it is a band aid for a gushing wound. k-12 is broken not just in lower income areas but all areas. I expected more from a "reform" proposal and I think it just proves Edwards is not ready to lead.

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