
Monday, September 24, 2007

Obama and Edwards want to change Social Security from a contribution based Insurance system to wealth redistribution system

Presidential Cantidate Barrack Obama today proposed a similar plan to what John Edwards has mentioned to change Social Security. Social Security was set up as a contribution based insurance system to make sure people could live if they lived extremly long lives or became disabled. It was designed as a voluntary system that people could join to gain security. Over time it was shifted to a mandatory system, but they maintained the contribution based system that promises you get back most of what you put in. Now, Obama and Edwards want to change that. They think that those making over 97,000 a year should now be forced to pay payroll taxes on the amount over 97,000. This in fact changes the system form a contribution based system to a new method of wealth distribution. While it seems nice to make others pay it is a further encroachment of our Federal Government, and a step towards the socialization of America. These were not the principles that our country was founded on. We need to look back and decide what America really needs and it is not a method to tax our way to sucess. We must look for creative solutions to fix our problems and make our society better but increased taxes and socilaization is not that path.

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