
Saturday, December 15, 2007

Fred Apologizes for the exposing the real Mike Huckabee

Fred Thompson apologizes for exposing the real Mike Huckabee.

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Huckabee lied about theology degree

Mike Huckabee claimed to CBN,

"I'm as strong on terror as anybody. In fact I think I'm stronger than most
people because I truly understand the nature of the war that we are in with
Islamofascism. These are people that want to kill us. It's a theocratic war. And
I don't know if anybody fully understands that. I'm the only guy on that stage
with a theology degree. I think I understand it really well."

The problem with that is Huckabee lied. He does not have a theology degree. To make things worse he gave this answer to it being pointed out,

I have a bachelor of arts in religion and a minor in communications in my
undergraduate work. And then I have 46 hours on a master's degree at
Southwestern Theology Seminary. So, my degree as a theological degree is at the
college level and then 46 hours toward a masters -- three years of study of New
Testament Greek, and then the rest of it, all in Seminary was theological
studies, but my degree was actually in religion."

Huckabee has now lied about his Education, Immigration, and Tax Policy what other lies does he not want us to know about.

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Friday, December 14, 2007

Huckabee will not be happy to see some old friends

The AP is running a fun story that talks about how Ron Paul is bringing some Arkansas Republicans up to Iowa to talk about how Mike Huckabee's record is not what he wants people to believe.

"We just want to make sure Iowans get the full picture of what Governor Huckabee
did when he was in office," said Paul's campaign spokesman, Jesse Benton. "There
hasn't been a whole lot of information going out to Iowans and we want to make
sure they get the full picture."

Holt, who ran unsuccessfully for Arkansas lieutenant governor last year,
has tangled publicly with Huckabee over immigration. Huckabee, a Southern
Baptist preacher, spoke out against Holt's proposal in 2005 to ban state
services to illegal immigrants and said "I drink a different kind of Jesus

Once people get the full picture I do not think they will be able to vote for Gov. Huckabee. He is weak on Immigration, increased taxes in Arkansas, and was weak on crime.

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Al Gore in favor of undermining American Sovernity

Al Gore has been attacking the US at the bali summit all week. Now it has become clear what the summit is all about,

A global tax on carbon dioxide emissions was urged to help save the Earth from
catastrophic man-made global warming at the United Nations climate
conference. A panel of UN participants on Thursday urged the adoption of a
tax that would represent “a global burden sharing system, fair, with solidarity,
and legally binding to all nations.”

So, Al Gore is in favor of underming US sovernity in favor of Global Socialism, thanks for showing back up Al.

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House Democrats not intrested in preventing Terrorist attacks

From the Washington Post,

The White House vowed to veto the measure. Limiting the CIA to interrogation
techniques authorized by the Army Field Manual "would prevent the United States
from conducting lawful interrogations of senior al Qaeda terrorists toobtain intelligence needed to protect Americans from attack," the Office of Management and Budget said in a statement.

The House Democrats are so worried about treating the Al Queda members so well that they do not care how many American lives they cost. You cannot play by the rules when your opponent does not follow them. It is time we asked House Democrats to Protect Americans first and pander later.

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Thursday, December 13, 2007

Democrats turn on each other

The Washington Post is running this article,

House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Charles B. Rangel (D-N.Y.) accuses Senate Democratic leaders of
developing "Stockholm syndrome," showing sympathy to their Republican captors
by caving in on legislation to provide middle-class tax cuts paid for with tax
increases on the super-rich, tying war funding to troop withdrawal timelines,
and mandating renewable energy quotas. If Republicans want to filibuster a bill,
Rangel said, Reid should keep the bill on the Senate floor and force the
Republicans to talk it to death.
Reid, in turn, has taken to the Senate floor
to criticize what he called the speaker's "iron hand" style of
Democrats in each chamber are now blaming their colleagues in the
other for the mess in which they find themselves. The predicament caused the
majority party yesterday surrender to President Bush on domestic spending levels, drop a cherished
renewable-energy mandate and move toward leaving a raft of high-profile
legislation, from addressing the mortgage crisis to providing middle-class tax
relief, undone or incomplete.

Democrats are apparently having problems making the trasition from throwing to stones to having to lead. The problem is the House Democrats have not realized that Americans do not support their far-left agenda. The Senate is acting like it is supposed to. It is cooling the overly ambitious House. Instead of compromising the House is throwing a fit. That would explain why the approval rating of Congress is now far behind that of the President.

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Al Gore says United States to blame for preventing International policy capping greehouse gases, Good for the United States

The AP has this,

The former vice president urged delegates to take urgent action to reduce
emissions of greenhouse gases blamed for global warming, and told them that the
next U.S. president will likely be more supportive of international caps on
polluting gases.
"My own country, the United States, is principally
responsible for obstructing progress here in Bali," said Gore, who flew to Bali
from Oslo, Norway, where he received the Nobel Peace Prize for helping alert the
world to the danger of climate change.

Lets hope he is wrong and the next President resists this socialist policies. The United States should blick such policies because the United States is different we believe in Freedom. Lets vote for Freedom!!

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Fred Thompson stands up against watered down debates

Fred Thompson stood up to the silliness of the current debates. He refused to raise his hand to a two part complicated question. He has consistently wanted to talk about real issues from entitlements to immigration. He has shown that he is the clear serious choice. The media does not like him because he does not give thirty second soundbites. We should want a President who can lead not gloss over issues to give a good soundbite.

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Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Far Left Fringe Alert: Code Pink attacks the Democrats too, now

From the Washington Times,

The mostly female group — famous for disrupting congressional hearings and its
demonstrators clad in pink T-shirts and tiaras — has applied for a new tax
status that permits political work for its campaigns against Democrats as well
as Republicans, Code Pink co-founder Medea Benjamin said.
"We felt betrayed
by the very people we helped to put into office," Ms. Benjamin told editors and
reporters at The Washington Times. "We have a particular break with the
leadership of the Democratic Party."

No, they have a break with the American People. The fact remains the anti-america left wing fringe groups want us to lose no matter what the cost is. The fact is troops can not be pulled tommarow without destablizing Iraq. They are not different than the anti-war groups in the late 60's that went as far as to carry Vietcong flags. They are a small group, the "silent majority" of Americans want America to remain strong and finish the job. This is why congress will not change the policy. Later in the story this quote sticks out

"We are disgusted with all of them," Ms. Benjamin said of the Democrat-led
Congress. "We were in Congress today saying, 'Close Gitmo,' and I changed my
sign to say, 'Close Congress.' "

It is amazing that Ms. Benjamin does not get the America Poltical system. Congress is doing its job preventing a small fraction from endagering the country. I hope Code Pink does try to take on the democrats and the Democratic Party shows them just how much of a fringe group they really are.

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The Pope condemns Climate Change "Prophets," yes that includes you Al Gore

Pope Benedict XVI has weighed in on Climate Change. With a prudent comment about the current crop of climate change chicken littles. He seems to understand what I have said before this has nothing to do with climate change, but is instead about a social movement that has been unsucessful for almost twenty years. It is much easier to force change when you have fear on your side. From the article,

Pope Benedict XVI has launched a surprise attack on climate change prophets
of doom, warning them that any solutions to global warming must be based on firm
evidence and not on dubious ideology.
"Humanity today is rightly concerned about the ecological balance of
tomorrow," he said in the message entitled "The Human Family, A Community of
"It is important for assessments in this regard to be carried out
prudently, in dialogue with experts and people of wisdom, uninhibited by
ideological pressure to draw hasty conclusions, and above all with the aim of
reaching agreement on a model of sustainable development capable of ensuring the
well-being of all while respecting environmental balances.

This comes after Cardinal George Pell got climate change activists enraged after asking why the tempature on Mars increased,

In October, the Australian Cardinal George Pell, the Archbishop of Sydney,
caused an outcry when he noted that the atmospheric temperature of Mars had
risen by 0.5 degrees celsius.
"The industrial-military complex up on Mars
can't be blamed for that," he said in a criticism of Australian scientists who
had claimed that carbon emissions would force temperatures on earth to rise by
almost five degrees by 2070 unless drastic solutions were enforced.

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Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Huckabee a soft target says dems

According to

Democrat party officials are avoiding any and all criticism of Republican
presidential contender Mike Huckabee, insiders reveal. The Democratic National
Committee has told staffers to hold all fire, until he secures the party's
nomination. The directive has come down from the highest levels within the
party, according to a top source. Within the DNC, Huckabee is known as the
"glass jaw -- and they're just waiting to break it." In the last three weeks
since Huckabee's surge kicked in, the DNC hasn't released a single press release
criticizing his rising candidacy. The last DNC press release critical of
Huckabee appeared back on March 2nd. [DNC Press Release Attack Summary: Governor
Mitt Romney (R-MA) – 37% (99 press releases) Mayor Rudy Giuliani (R-NY) – 28%
(74) Senator John McCain (R-AZ) – 24% (64) Senator Fred Thompson (R-TN) – 8%
(20) Governor Mike Huckabee – 2% (4)] In fact, as the story broke over the
weekend that Huckabee said he wanted to isolate AIDS patients back in 1992, the
DNC ignored the opportunity to slam the candidate from the left. "He'll easily
be their McGovern, an easy kill," mocked one senior Democrat operative Tuesday
morning from Washington. "His letting out murderers because they shout 'Jesus',
his wanting to put 300,000 AIDS patients and Magic Johnson into isolation, ain't
even scratching the surface of what we've got on him."The discipline the
Democrats have shown in not engaging Huckabee has earned the praise of one
former Republican Party official: "The Democrats are doing a much better job
restraining themselves than the GOP did in 2003 when Howard Dean looked like he
was on the brink of winning the nomination."A close friend to Huckabee explains:
"Look, Mike is Hillary Clinton's worst nightmare. They should be

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Thursday, December 6, 2007

Here is what is wrong with the Primary System

Ben Smith's Blog has some info today that really shows what is wrong with the current primary system.

Another reason to resent the early states.

Social scientists do
the math
and conclude:
The voting weights implied by the estimated model
demonstrate that early voters have up to 20 times the influence of late voters
in the selection of candidates, demonstrating a significant departure from the
ideal of "one person, one vote."

Ya think?

Wonky summary
from Elisabeth Jacobs:
The model focuses on the role of “momentum” and
“social learning,” intuitive concepts suggesting that agents (aka voters) chose
actions sequentially, and are uncertain about the correct action, which depends
on the state of the world. People therefore try to learn the “correct” action
from the behavior of others. Moveover, if people are sufficiently unsure of the
true state of the world, they may actually ignore their own preferences and
simply follow the actions of others.

The current system makes Iowa and New Hampshire more important than the rest of the country. The problem with this is that those states are not reflective of America as a whole. These states should also never have become the first states every election cycle. I have advocated a new system that would combine small state and large states into blocks that would rotate placement in each election cycle. I believe that is the only true way to spread the power of early primaries around. It should not continue to be left to Iowa and New Hampshire to determine who can become the President of the United States.

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Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Its on: Enviromentalists aganist Enviromentalists

The showdown over alternative energy has taken a new dynamic. Now the Enviromentalist are going to fight each other. The Austin America Statesman reports that a group of Enviromental groups are bringing a federal lawsuit to stop a Wind Farm.

The famed King Ranch and a coalition of environmental groups sued Texas
Land Commissioner Jerry Patterson in federal court Tuesday, seeking to require
extensive environmental review and public comment on two planned wind power
projects along the Gulf Coast in Kenedy County.
The federal suit, filed in U.S. Western District Court in Austin, said the
turbines could kill untold numbers of migratory birds and damage the bay. It
seeks to overturn the decision by the Texas General Land office, which Patterson
heads, to allow the projects to be built without environmental review or input
from the public. The suit contends that the Federal Coastal Zone Management Act
of 1972 and the Texas Coastal Management Program require a permit process for
any energy generation facility on the coast, including wind farms.

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Fred is Right again: Keep government out of food choice

Fred is right again with his small government and personal liberty message. CNN's Political Ticker carries the story

Fred Thompson wants the government to keep its hands off your dinner
plate.That's what he told a questioner Tuesday in South Carolina,
Standing about 15 feet away from a mouth-watering steam tray buffet
loaded with fried chicken, creamed corn and macaroni and cheese at Wade's
Southern Cooking in Spartanburg, Thompson dismissed the idea that preventative
care and wellness education should be central features of a government's health
care system.
"I'm telling you, I don’t think that it’s the primary
responsibility of the federal government to tell you what to eat," Thompson said
to applause when asked if his health care plan included any details on
preventative care, a priority for Democratic candidates.
"The fact of the
matter is we got an awful lot of knowledge,” said the former Tennesse senator.
“Sometimes we don’t have a whole lot of will power, and I don’t know of any
government program that's going to instill that."
Thompson, ever a fan of
small government, said healthy living should be the responsibilities of families
"We shouldn’t be looking at the federal government in Washington first
and working our way down, it ought to be just the other way around. With that,
or whether you're talking about education, there's some things the federal
government can't do," said Thompson.

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Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Romney is a little too late to save Immigration issue

A story is running in the Associated Press that Mitt Romney has now fired his landscaping company after Rudy called him out during the YouTube Debate. It would appear to be a little to late in order to save his perception in the immigration debate.

Republican Mitt Romney, ridiculed by rival Rudy Giuliani for employing illegal
immigrants at his "sanctuary mansion," said Tuesday he had fired the landscaper
for his suburban Boston home after learning for a second time about undocumented
workers laboring on the property.
In a statement issued after he concluded
his campaign appearances for the day, Romney said: "After this same issue arose
last year, I gave the company a second chance with very specific conditions.
They were instructed to make sure people working for the company were of legal
"We personally met with the company in order to inform them about
the importance of this matter," he said. "The owner of the company guaranteed
us, in very certain terms, that the company would be in total compliance with
the law going forward."

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Monday, December 3, 2007

Laws were not meant to force social change, So why the new energy bill?

That sound you are hearing could very well be the founders rolling over in their graves. Congress has decided in all their wisdom to implement new MPG requirements for automakers. Who crazy are the new standards well according Mike Spector of the Wall Street Journal,

Consider the Honda Fit, a Japanese-made subcompact hatchback that's one of
the smallest cars sold in America. Its tiny four-cylinder gasoline engine
averages about 31 mpg in government tests for combined city and highway driving
-- not good enough to beat the proposed 35 mpg.

The effect of this legislation will make cars more expensive as it will cost more to develop cars that will get 35 mpg. There will also be fewer choices of alternatives to cars for consumers, as trucks and SUVs will be harder to produce. The effect will be many more small and subcompact cars.

This is just the latest in oppressive government bills that take freedom and choice out of consumers and gives the authority to the nanny state government. If there was a desire for better mileage cars the companies would make them. Look at how the prius has done. Given a choice consumers will drive the market. This is not a job for an overbearing government and just moves us further aware from the founding principles of America. We fought the Revolution for Freedom not just a new oppresive government telling us what we should want.

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Hillary (pot) attacks Obama (Kettle); Does Hillary actually believe her own accusations.

Hillary today Attacked Obama for his ambition to be President. Does she really believe she did not do the same thing herself. There was never any question that Hillary was positioning herslef for a run from the day she got into the White House. Besides how does 4 additional years give you emense credibility when she had no public service before that and Mr. Obama had in fact served in the state legislature before running for the us senate. Here is the quote.

"So you decide which makes more sense: Entrust our country to someone who
is ready on day one ... or to put America in the hands of someone with little
national or international experience, who started running for president the day
he arrived in the U.S. Senate."

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John Edwards Socialized Medicine Ad

John Edwards is running an ad on his view on Socialized Medicine. I have never seen an ad that pandered so much while at the same time advocating for a government seizure. The ad brings up kids as a reason we should advocate our freedom to the Government. The problem with that is kids whose families need help getting insurance already get that help through the State Children's Health Insurance Program. He then says you cannot work with Insurance companies and health care companies so the government must seize their businesses. How can a candidate openly advocate an illegal seizure and a violation of the Constitution without flinching. Where in the enumerated powers of the Congress is Universal Health Care ( for those playing at home it is not there). It is time Americans stood up and asked for more than just pandering from Candidates.

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Saturday, December 1, 2007

Mike Huckabee raised more taxes than Bill Clinton as Governor

Mike Huckabee has been able to rise in the polls while claiming to be a true conservative. He had not been given much attention because he was not considered a top-tier cantidate. Now that he has risen in the polls his record is being filled in and it is not what he claims it to be.

The Arkansas Leader is running this ediorial:

Mike Huckabee raised more taxes in 10 years in office than Bill Clinton did in his 12 years.
Clinton tax increases

- Increased the general sales tax from 3 percent to 4 per- cent (Act 63 of special session of 1983)

- Increased sales tax by half of 1 percent and extended the tax to used vehicles (Act 3 of 1991)

- Increased the corporate income tax from 6 to 6.5 percent for corporations with net incomes greater than $100,000 (Act 1052 of 1991)

- Levied a 16 percent tax on snuff (yes, there are a few people who still dip snuff) (Act 628 of 1987)

- Levied a 25-cent tax on each pack of cigarette papers (yes, there are people who still roll their own) (Act 1045 of 1987)

- Increased the cigarette tax from 17.75 cents a pack to 21 cents a pack (Act 399 of 1983)

- Increased the cigarette tax by a penny a pack (Act 1211 of 1991)

- Levied a 2 percent tax on certain tourism items like admission to theme parks (Act 38 of 1989)

- Increased excise taxes on mixed drinks sold for on-premises consumption (not wine or beer) (Act 844 of 1983 and Act 908 of 1989)

- Increased motor fuel taxes by 1 cent a gallon (1979)

- Increased motor fuel taxes by 4 cents a gallon (Act 456 of 1985) (Clinton vetoed the bill but the legislature overrode his veto.)

- Increased the tax on motor fuels by 5 cents a gallon

- Increased motor vehicle registration fees, 1979 (subsequently repealed)
Huckabee tax increases

- Imposed an income tax surcharge of 3 percent on tax liabilities of individuals and domestic and foreign corporations (Act 38, 1st special session of 2003). (It was temporary until revenues improved. The legislature repealed it in 2005.)

- Increased the sales tax by 1/8 of one percent by initiated act (but it was a personal campaign by Huckabee, who campaigned across the state for it and took a celebrated bass boat trip for 4 days down the Arkansas River holding press conferences in each river city to urge passage of the act)

- Increased the sales tax by one-half of 1 percent (Act 1492 of 1999)

- Increased the sales tax by 7/8ths of 1 percent and expand the sales tax to many services previously exempt from the tax (Act 107, 2nd special session of 2003)

- Collected a 2 percent tax on chewing tobacco, cigars, package tobacco, cigarette papers and snuff (Act 434 of 1997)

- Levied an additional excise tax of 7 percent on tobacco (Act 38 of 1st special session of 2003)

- Increased the tax on cigarette and tobacco permits (Act 1337 of 1997)

- Increased the tax on cigarette and tobacco – cigarettes by $1.25 per thousand cigarettes and 2 percent of the manufacturers’ selling price on tobacco products (Act 434 of 1997)

- Increased the tax on cigarettes by 25 cents a pack (Act 38, 1st special session of 2003)

- Levied a 3 percent excise tax on all retail sales of beer (Act 1841 of 2001 and extended by Act 272 of 2003 and Act 2188 of 2005)

- Revived the 4 percent mixed drink tax of 1989 and added a 4 percent tax on private clubs (Act 1274 of 2005)

- Increased the tax on gasoline by 3 cents a gallon (Act 1028 of 1999)

- Increased the tax on diesel by 4 cents a gallon (Act 1028 of 1999) Note: Contrary to what Huckabee has said repeatedly in debates, speeches and TV shows, the 1999 gasoline and diesel taxes were not submitted to the voters and approved by 80 per cent of them. It was never submitted to a vote. It was the governor’s bill and it became law without a vote of the people. What the voters did approve in 1999 was a bond issue for interstate highway reconstruction but it did not involve a tax increase. Existing taxes and federal receipts were pledged to retire the bonds.

- Increased the driver’s license by $6 a person, from $14 to $20 (Act 1500 of 2001)
So which raised taxes more? It is hard to quantify. If you measured the increases in the revenue stream, the Huckabee tax cuts far exceeded Clinton’s but that would be unfair because the economy had grown and the same penny of tax would produce far more under Huckabee.

But if you look at the major taxes, I see the aggregate Huckabee taxes as greater, especially if you deduct the 4 cent gasoline and diesel taxes that Clinton vetoed in 1985 and that the legislature enacted over his veto.

Anyway, the sales tax is the big revenue producer. Both raised it by 1.5 cents on the dollar and both expanded it to cover a myriad of services. Clinton raised motor fuel taxes a little more, Huckabee cigarette taxes a lot more.

A further note: Huckabee claims credit for a major tax cut in 1997, saying it was the first tax cut in Arkansas history (there had been many prior to that) and that he forced the Democratic legislature to curtail its impulse to always raise taxes.

The facts: The omnibus income tax cut bill of 1997 was proposed by Gov. Jim Guy Tucker in the spring of 1996. It had multiple (7) features, all aimed at relief for middle-class families or the elderly. He asked interim legislative committees to expand on his plan. Tucker then resigned before the legislature convened after his conviction on Whitewater-related charges, and Huckabee took office.

At the legislative session that followed, the Democratic caucus of the House (88 of the 100 members) made the Tucker tax cuts its chief program. The bill was introduced with 83 sponsors (all Democrats) and all Democrats voted for it. It was unopposed. Huckabee’s tax cut was to give each taxpayer a check for $25 each fall, saying it would help offset the burden of sales taxes on groceries (the repeal of which he repeatedly opposed). The legislature rejected Huckabee’s plan and passed the Tucker bill. Huckabee signed it into law.

The 94 tax cuts that he said he fathered are similarly misleading. The vast majority of those were the usual exemptions and modifications of various taxes and fees that the legislature enacts every time it meets. They were not a part of Huckabee’s program with a few exceptions. Rather, Democratic legislators sponsored them, usually at the behest of whatever special interest benefited, and Huckabee signed them when they hit his desk. If you did a similar summary of Clinton’s years he could claim probably well over 100 tax cuts. Every Arkansas governor since World War II could claim dozens each.

If you counted all the tax benefits extended to corporations under the incentives enacted by the legislature under Clinton — and they were part of his programs, especially in 1983, 1985 and 1989 — the tax cuts would dwarf those under Huckabee.

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Mitt, Huckabee, and Rudy in their own words

Here is the full version of the ad Fred Thompson ran at the CNN debate. It is amazing how these three cantidates who claim to be conservative are anything but that.

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Friday, November 30, 2007

Huckabee a "Disaster" on Immigration

The Washington Times is running a piece about how Immigration groups feel about Mike Huckabee,

"He was an absolute disaster on immigration as governor," said Roy Beck,
president of NumbersUSA, a group that played a major role in rallying the phone
calls that helped defeat this year's Senate immigration bill. "Every time there
was any enforcement in his state, he took the side of the illegal

Finally someone has stood up and called Huckabee on this point. While most Republican Candidates have taken strong views on Immigration Governor Huckabee has treated the issue with mostly fluff. He actually ran an ad in Iowa that said that his Immigration plan was "Chuck Norris." Governor Huckabee has risen in the polls while his record has remained rather unscruitinized. Huckabee was horrible on the issues of Immigration, Taxes, and Ethics while Governor of Arkansas. His administration defended Illegal Immigrants while trying to get them a tuition discount for college educations. The result of his time in office was a net increase in taxes. He also has many ethic complaints filed against him during the time he was Governor.

Mike Huckabee's record is not what he would want you to believe. It is easy to get glossed over when he is fed softball questions in the CNN debate that focused on the Bible and related issues. It is not difficult to give funny one-liners in thirty second debate responses it is much more difficult to lead. When you look at how Former Governor Mike Huckabee leads you realize he lacks the conservative principles that a Republican Nominee should have.

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Thursday, November 29, 2007

To Show how much she really can not make a decision; Hillary polled Streisand endorsment

Hillary at times humors me too much. She actually polled an endorsement. She has never found any pandering that she would pass up. Hillary is truley a joke and if she did not have the media in her pocket America would see it too.

The New York Times' Caucus quoted a Streisand Source,

Still, the singer’s value to Mrs. Clinton shouldn’t be scoffed at, another
Streisand associate said on Wednesday.
“We would’ve low-keyed it,” the
associate said. “But the campaign says it’s a net plus. They polled it. Among
Democratic primary voters, even in places like Iowa, they love Barbra. By the
way, she just sold out concert tours around the world. And she’s great for
fund-raising. In fact, a fund-raising letter signed by her went out this

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Fred challanges rivals to Real policy rountable debates

Fox New Reports,

"I would like for each of us in small groups ... to sit in small groups and have a discussion, a round-table discussion," Thompson said. "Anybody who's a serious contender for the nomination — I would get to decide as to who I'd get to sit down with, and it'd be several. And I'd do it one-on-one, one-on-three or whatever."

It is about time we had serious debates not rigged media ones. Hats off to Fred for trying to get the ball rolling. Lets see who responds.

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Giuliani billed taxpayers to have affair

Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani apparently cost taxpayers several tens of thousands of dollars during the is rein as Mayor of New York to carry on his affair with his then mistress now wife. Politico ran the story saying,

The documents, obtained by Politico under New York’s Freedom of Information
Law, show that the mayoral costs had nothing to do with the functions of the
little-known city offices that defrayed his tabs, including agencies responsible
for regulating loft apartments, aiding the disabled and providing lawyers for
indigent defendants. At the time, the mayor’s office refused to explain the
accounting to city auditors, citing “security.”
The Hamptons visits resulted in hotel, gas and other costs for Giuliani’s New York Police Department security detail.

Just the latest sign of corruption from Rudy. He is focused on only one thing, himself. He will say and do anything to be elected. Apparently once he gets elected he does not care much about what his personal endeavors cost the people who elected him.

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CNN is really the Clinton News Network

CNN has now proved that they are totally beholden to the Clintons. First when Hillary was flaming out they stacked the audience and questions in Las Vegas to put her back on solid footing. If it was not enough that they threw a debate to help their favorite candidate, now they have allowed a general on the Hillary steering committee to ask a question at the Republican Youtube debate without even disclosing it. But, it did not stop there, after the candidates addressed his question he was in the audience and Anderson Cooper gave him several minutes to make a speech about gays in the military.

Joe Scarborough on Morning Joe this morning went off on CNN saying,

Before with James Carville sitting there giving his opinions despite the fact
that he's contributed to Hillary Clinton, obviously worked for Bill Clinton, he
sent out letters saying we really need to fight hard for Hillary Clinton. They
didn't even mention it. And again, the damndest thing.
And last night, not
only do they have this guy delivering a YouTube video, they also had him there
sitting in the audience, they had a shot with him It's Bill Bennett, it is
up to Bill Bennett to explain to CNN, and don't tell me that CNN didn't know,
that some people at CNN did not know, that he was part of the Clinton campaign.
Don't lie to me.Maybe Anderson Cooper didn't know, but somebody at CNN that put
this guy in the video knew that.

CNN has proved incapable of not letting their Clinton and liberal bias show. It is time now for the Candidates to stand up and refuse to participate in any CNN sponsored debates and forums. The network should also be investigated by the FEC for making a in-kind political contribution to a Presidential Campaign.

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Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Mike Huckabee is not Serious about Immigration

Mike Huckabee has a campaign ad running in Iowa with Chuck Norris in it. The ad just proves how amateur Mike Huckabee is and that he does not have a serious position on immigration. Mike Huckabee's Immigration plan: "Chuck Norris." This is the type of ad you would expect from a kid running for class president not President of the United States. It is time for Mike to step aside and let serious candidates talk about real issues.

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Nanny State Alert: Massachusetts considering banning spanking

In what is almost impossible to believe a parent who spanks their child in Massachusetts would be quality of abuse and neglect. That could be true if the legislature has their way. WCBV reports that lawmakers are going to consider such legislation.

State Rep. Jay Kaufman filed the spanking ban petition at the request of an
Arlington, Mass., nurse who wants Massachusetts to become the first state in
the country to stop corporal punishment. If this proposal does become law
and parents are caught hitting their children who are under the age of 18,
they could be charged with abuse or neglect.

This is just the latest in a growing list of Governments that have forgot what Freedom is all about. Our society has moved from one that people had personal responsibility and freedom. To one where the Government sees the need to protect everyone and take away their freedoms "for the good of the people." It is time we resisted these measures and hold our elected officials responsible for trying to impose their will on the masses.

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Monday, November 26, 2007

Fred Thompson on Tax Reform

Fred Thompson once again shows his campaign is the one of substance by realeasing a detailed tax reform plan. His plan would lower the corporate tax rate in order to spur economic development. His plan would also give people a choice to stay in the current tax system or opt into a flat rate system with lower tax rates and higher standard deduction but less itemized deductions. This plan would save people money on taxes while making the tax filing itself easier. Once again Fred Thompson has the substance while the other campaigns are being carried on hype put out by the media. The liberal media must be scared of a true conservative.

Here is the plan

In today's competitive global economy, a fair, simple, and pro-growth tax system is essential for America's success. America must be the best place in the world to invest and create high-paying jobs.

Fred Thompson's Plan for Tax Relief and Economic Growth promotes fairness and simplicity in the tax code and will create greater growth in the economy. It is based on a fundamental assumption that keeping tax rates low increases economic growth and enhances American competitiveness in the global economy. Increased economic growth will lead to higher wages and higher levels of employment in America. Equally important, lower taxes enhance the personal and economic freedom of all Americans by allowing them to keep more of their hard-earned dollars. Allowing Americans to control their own financial future has been integral to our nation's economic success and strength since its founding, and is the key to our future.

The economic proposals offered by Democrats will move us in the wrong direction -- their plan for higher taxes, in particular, will reduce America's competitiveness, push investment and jobs overseas, and send more of workers' and families' income to Washington. The conservative approach is to reduce government spending and return more money to America's families.
The following elements of the Thompson Plan for Tax Relief and Economic Growth will spur economic growth and move the nation towards a fairer, simpler tax system on the way to Fred Thompson's ultimate goal of fundamental tax reform.

1. Permanently Extend the 2001 and 2003 Tax Cuts. Tax relief enacted in 2001 and 2003 has proved critical to generating a strong economy that has experienced growth despite the war on terror, the collapse in the housing market, and other economic challenges over the last six years. Unless action is taken, every American taxpayer will see a massive tax increase after December 31, 2010. Allowing this tax hike will impose an enormous financial burden on American families, slow economic growth, cost America jobs, and make it more difficult to address the country's long-term budget, economic, and security challenges. The Thompson plan ensures the following:
*Reduced individual income tax rates, saving every tax-paying family a minimum of $600.
*Preserving the $1000 child tax credit, which was doubled from $500 per child.
*Protecting Marriage penalty relief.
*Retaining Education tax incentives, including Coverdell Education Savings Accounts,529 college savings plans, and deductions for higher education expenses.
*Reduced tax rates on capital gains and qualified dividends.
*Increased expensing of investment for small businesses.

2. Permanently Repeal the Death Tax. Current law provides death tax relief, but only through 2010. The death tax is inherently unfair. Under the Thompson Plan, the death tax would be permanently repealed, thus protecting millions of American families, including small business owners and family farmers, from double taxation at rates ranging as high as 55 percent.

3. Repeal the Alternative Minimum Tax. The AMT is a separate tax system that was intended to ensure that a few high income Americans could not use deductions and credits to eliminate their tax liability. However, because the AMT is not indexed to inflation, it is penalizing Americans it was never intended to affect. While in the U.S. Senate, Fred Thompson authored legislation that would have repealed the AMT. Consistent with that earlier proposal, the Thompson plan will eliminate the AMT as part of broader tax and spending reform. Until comprehensive reform is feasible, the Thompson plan would index the exemption amounts annually so that millions of middle class families will not become subject to this tax.

4. Reduce the Corporate Tax Rate. The United States has one of the highest rates of tax on businesses of the industrialized nations, second only to Japan. EvenJapan is currently considering reducing its corporate tax rate. Economic studies suggest that the U.S. Treasury is actually losing tax revenue by keeping the corporate tax rate so high. In order to increase the competitiveness of U.S. companies in the global marketplace, the Thompson plan would reduce the U.S. top corporate tax rate (including the corporate capital gains tax rate) from 35 percent to no more than 27 percent, which is the approximate average of the world's leading economies—the nations of the Organization on Economic Cooperation and Development. This tax reduction will promote U.S. competitiveness, encourage companies to keep their operations (and jobs) in the U.S., and spur continued economic expansion and growth.

5.Permanently Extend Small Business Expensing. Small businesses create two-thirds of all new jobs in America, and employ nearly 59 million Americans -- more than half of the nation's private-sector workforce. Women own a quarter of all small businesses, minorities are nearing the 20% mark, and Hispanic Americans are opening their own businesses at a rate three times the national average. Current law allows small businesses to write-off purchases of equipment of up to $125,000 per year, rather than depreciating those assets over time. Making expensing of equipment and other small business items permanent will encourage greater investment and growth.

6. Update and Simplify Depreciation Schedules. The current depreciation schedules are outdated and in many cases do not reflect the realistic useful life of an asset. This is particularly true for investments in high technology. For example, computers must be depreciated over three years, even though they become obsolete in half that time. The Thompson plan would simplify and update these schedules to allow American businesses to make the investments they need to compete and create more high-quality jobs.

7. Expand Taxpayer Choice. The Thompson plan would give Americans greater choice about how to pay their federal taxes. This plan is based on a proposal developed by the House of Representatives Republican Study Committee that would provide taxpayers the option of remaining under the current, complex tax code or opting for a simplified, flat tax code. The simplified tax code would contain two tax rates: 10% for joint filers on income of up to $100,000 ($50,000 for singles) and 25% on income above these amounts. The standard deduction would be more than doubled to $25,000 for joint filers and $12,500 for singles. The personal exemption amount would be increased to $3,500. Therefore, a family of 4 would be exempt from income tax on the first $39,000 of income. The simplified tax code would contain no other tax credits or deductions. It would also retain the 15% tax rate on capital gains and dividends. This approach would dramatically simplify taxes for tens of millions of Americans. In addition, the larger standard deduction and personal exemption amounts will still provide significant tax relief to families with children. This proposal would serve as a stepping-stone to fundamental tax reform.

America 's economic future depends on our nation's ability to maintain its competitive and innovative spirit. Solutions to challenges in our economy are found in the homes and small businesses of ordinary Americans, not in the halls of Washington. Fred Thompson's goal is to allow Americans to retain greater control of their own money.

To do that, Fred Thompson believes we need a more limited, more effective federal government. Currently, government spending is projected to grow at nearly twice the rate of inflation over the next several years. This spending path is unsustainable and will hamper our economy unless fiscal discipline is imposed. It is critical that we address the problem of government spending, especially for entitlement programs, if the U.S. economy is grow and thrive in the coming decades. The Thompson Plan for Tax Relief and Economic Growth provides commonsense solutions to increase American competitiveness in the 21st century. These solutions will allow Americans to keep more of their money and encourage companies and entrepreneurs to invest and create jobs in the United States. Enhancing the choices of taxpayers, permanently reducing taxes, encouraging investment in America's corporations and small businesses, and restraining government spending are all steps in the right direction. America's economy has endured several challenges over the last several years -- it is time to move forward and enter a new era of economic security and prosperity.

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Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Fred Thompson responds to Sanctuary City in Iowa and has mailer out in Iowa

MSNBC's First Read is detailing Fred Thompson's first Mailer and how he is responding to Iowa's Santuary City in De Moines.

The mailer contains the following text

"What if…" there was a candidate who had a 100 percent pro-life voting record, a
consistent plan to secure the borders and a history of fighting to keep
government spending under control, "Would it make you believe again?"

Beneath that question, at the center of the red, white and blue page,
big letters read: "Don't settle, don't compromise, don't lose faith. You can
believe in Fred Thompson!"
When asked about the idea of a Sanctuary City in De Moines Thompson responded with taking a shot at two of the other cantidates Rudy and Huckabee.
"I don't believe, at the end of the day, Des Moines wants to follow the pattern
of New York City or Little Rock, Arkansas. I think that they will reject
becoming a sanctuary city or anything close to that," Thompson said

Fred Thompson has remained committed to his beliefs throughout this campaign it looks like he is shifting into high gear now. He is the only consistent conservative in this race and as people get closer to actually voting they should start to rally around someone they can actually trust not someone who will say anything to get elected or attempt to buy the election with his own money.

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Democrats dont look now Baghdad is starting to thrive

The New York Times has the article.

"As a result, for the first time in nearly two years, people are moving with freedom around much of this city. In more than 50 interviews across Baghdad, it became clear that while there were still no-go zones, more Iraqis now drive between Sunni and Shiite areas for work, shopping or school, a few even after dark. In the most stable neighborhoods of Baghdad, some secular women are also dressing as they wish. Wedding bands are playing in public again, and at a handful of once shuttered liquor stores customers now line up outside in a collective rebuke to religious vigilantes from the Shiite Mahdi Army."

What will the Democrats do now. It has become clear that they will only accept failure at any cost, but as the sucess becomes more clear what line will they take. I find this as an indication of why Congress's poll numbers are so much lower than the President's now. While Congress continues to waste time delaying on the war and not handling the real buisness of the nation our Military has been winning. It is time the Democrats got off their soapboxes and did the real work of the people.

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Sunday, November 18, 2007

Fred Thompson on Personal Values

MSNBC's First Read has a great article about Fred Thompson talking to Social Conservatives in Florida. This is a great look at the real Fred Thompson not the thirty second look or the media characterized version of him. Somewhere in the politics of the Presidency we have lost the value of a real person talking to people and letting them know how they really feel, not just polls well and looks good in a paticular political cycle.

Link to Article

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Friday, November 16, 2007

One funny piece by Joe Biden

I have always had a soft spot for Joe Biden. I dont usually agree with his political positions, but he is always a straight talker and that is a lost art in politics today. Joe has a piece out now about how all the other democratic cantidates agree with him all the time. It is one just truly good piece set to the tune " You got a friend in me."

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Congressional Democrats want to Lose Iraq War so much they just ignore the military reports

The Washington Times has a great article about the lengths to which the Congressional Democrats will go to lose in Iraq at any cost. They reject the reports now that keep rolling in that progress is being made. They just want to ignore them and pull out leaving Iraq worse off than it is today.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi,

"Certainly any time our military is engaged in military action, we want the best possible outcome for them, and they have produced that," she said. "But their sacrifice and their courage has not been met by any action on the part of the Iraqi government."

Interesting, they have met more benchmarks than her house has passed appropriation bills. Is she really the person to judge the effectiveness of government?

Independent Joe Lieberman observed what is really going on, the war critics "remain emotionally invested in a narrative of retreat and defeat, even as facts on the ground show that we are advancing and winning."

House Minority Leader John A. Boehner went even further, "Democrats can't acknowledge the fact that our troops are winning the war against al Qaeda in Iraq without admitting that they've been dead wrong on the biggest national challenge of our generation at the same time."

In the war in Iraq the death tolls of military and civilians has decline dramatically. Al Queda is on the verge on being eliminated. They are even being able to ease curfews and restrictions throughout Baghdad and the nation. Yet the answer for the democrats to that is not build on the success and finish the job, but all you hear from them is cut and run we cant win. I guess American lives and sacrifices mean nothing to them and their defeat at all cost approach.

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Thursday, November 15, 2007

Old: Media Matters liberal Hack site, New: Undercover Clinton Group

We all knew that Media Matters was a liberal hack site posing as a Media Watchdog Organization. But, now some serious question are being raised about their bias towards Hillary at the expense of Obama and Edwards. Hillary has claimed in the past she is involved in the group, but what should people have disclosed to them about such "watchdog" groups. The question raised now is the group sent out a list of questions that should not be asked tonight and the ones for Edwards and Obama were outright negative attacks while Clintons were more nuanced and not personal in nature.

Chuch Tood does a great job of laying out the case.

My bottom line is that if you claim to be a watchdog site you should be that not a partisan and one candidate hack site. It is time Media Matters came clean to American People that they have been "protecting" and "educating"

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Why the anti-war movement should be called what it is Treason!

Michelle Malkin has been posting some stories about a group of anti-war protestors in Washington State. These people have been trying to stop the movement of military supplies to and from the port there. They have even gone as far as to use children as human shields.

Go Read Michelle's Stories

This is no longer a protest. When you prevent the movement of items needed to conduct a war it is sedition and treason. These "protestors should not be allowed to continue and not face the consequences. Part of living in America is actually supporting America, or at the very least not try to prevent our brave troops from getting the supplies they need.

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Celebrate Mitt Romney Tax Day!

Courtesy of the Fred Thompson Campaign

Mitt Romney says his government-mandated health care plan is one of his most important accomplishments as governor. But what does his plan really accomplish, and is this the kind of health care plan YOU would want to be forced to pay for?

Today, November 15th, Massachusetts residents who fail to register with the government and show proof of health care coverage will be slapped with a tax penalty for this year!

For individuals, the amount will be on average $219 this year and they will receive a punitive fine as much as $2,000 over the next year.1

Small business owner? It's even worse; you'll be fined $295 per employee who isn't enrolled in Romney's government-mandated health care plan!2

So what sort of services does Romney's health care plan provide?

Per the state website:

$50 co-pay for abortions3

While court mandate requires Massachusetts to cover "medically necessary" abortions in state-subsidized health plans4, Mitt Romney's plan covers ALL abortions - no restrictions.5

After it passed, Romney vetoed dental care for Medicaid recipients from his health plan, but did nothing to prevent coverage of abortion on demand for a mere $50.6

Romney has tried to distance himself from his Hillarycare-type plan,7 but you can watch the video where he takes full credit. There's nothing conservative about Mitt Romney's health care plan. It's a government subsidized health care plan that requires citizens to register with the state, slaps working people with tax penalties, and provides $50 abortions on demand.

Contrast this with Fred:

100% pro-life voting record.
Has said repeatedly that Roe v. Wade should be overturned.
Opposes embryonic stem cell research and human cloning.

Tuesday, The National Right to Life Committee endorsed Fred. NRLC is the nation's largest pro-life organization representing over 3,000 local chapters in all 50 states.

Help support the true conservative.

Thanks for your support,

Todd Harris
Communications Director
Friends of Fred Thompson

Fred08 - Contribute Now

1. (Michael Tanner, "No Miracle In Massachusetts," Cato Institute, 6/6/06; Steve LeBlanc, "Timing Of Health Care Law's Penalties Could Pose Risk For Romney, MA," Associated Press, 11/9/07; William C. Symonds, "In Massachusetts, Health Care for All?" Business Week, 4/4/06; Geradline A. Collier, "It's Not an Option." Telegram & Gazette, 10/24/07)
2. (Steve LeBlanc, "Timing Of Health Care Law's Penalties Could Pose Risk For Romney, MA," Associated Press, 11/9/07; William C. Symonds, "In Massachusetts, Health Care for All?" Business Week, 4/4/06 )
3. (Menu of Health Care Services:
4. Planned Par enthood League of Massachusetts, Inc. v. Attorney General, 677 N.E.2d 101 (Mass. 1997)
5. (Menu of Health Care Services:
6. ("Romney's Health Care Vetoes," Associated Press, 4/12/06) 7. (Rich Klein, "Romney distances self from Mass health plan," Boston Globe, 2/3/07)
6. (Chapter 58 Section 3 (q) Section 16M (a),

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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Fred Thompson releases ad on Immigration

Fred Thompson has released the ad found below on the issue of immigration. He take a common sense approach to the issue. Fred Thompson has said in his complete immigration plan as well as in the ad that amnesty is not the answer. He also believes that we should enforce the laws already on the books that will help send many of the illegals that are here now back to their homeland. This is a serious issue and it appears that Fred Thompson has serious solutions.

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Once Again San Francisco does not get it. Want to give IDs to all residents legal or not

According to the San Franciso Chronicle,

"The Board of Supervisors voted Tuesday to issue municipal identification cards to city residents - regardless of whether they are in the country legally - and to double the amount of public money available to candidates running for supervisor.

Supervisor Tom Ammiano, who authored the ID card legislation, said the program is a smart public safety measure because it would make residents living on the social margins of San Francisco more likely to seek the help of police and could give them more access to banking services.

"People are afraid to report crimes," Ammiano said, referring to illegal immigrants who avoid local law enforcement authorities over fear of being arrested or deported by federal immigration officials.

The legislation would require companies holding city contracts to accept the municipal card as a legitimate form of identification - except in cases where other state and federal laws require other forms of proof of age, name and residence."

This just shows how out of touch the City of San Francisco is with the mainstream. Gov. Spitzer was forced to back away from his Id proposal after public pressure crushed his poll numbers. On the San Francisco Chronicle site the poll that asked what readers thought indicated that 85% of the readers were against the proposal. Once Again, It is time for these politicians to understand that the American People do not want Illegal Immigrants to get a free pass. It is time for the governents of this country to recongnize what a majority of Americans already do, that if you want to come to this country to it legally or you are not welcome to get the benefits of those that do.

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The people of New York have spoke loud and clear to Spitzer on Immigration

Governor Spitzer has now pulled his plan to give Illegal Aliens drivers licenses. The plant got a lot of attention not only in New York, but was even raised as an issue in the Presidential Debate two weeks ago, tripping up Hillary Clinton. Now it seems that the people of New York have spoken on the issue. They have sent Governor Spitzer's poll numbers crashing down. It is time that politicians take notice that the American People do not want Illegal Immigrants to get a free pass and receive all the benefits that legal citizens of the United States receive.

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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Finally some fiscally prudent measures, President Bush vetos funding Bill

Today President Bush vetoed a $606 Billion dollar funding bill because it contained too many earmarks and pork barrel spending. The Bill restored the $3.6 Billion in discretionary spending that was cut in the proposed budget and then the Congressional Leadership added another $6.2 Billion to put it over the top. It is about time that someone showed some level of fiscal responsibility. Government is growing out of control and congressional earmarking has gotten out of hand. For a President who refused to challenge Congressional Spending early in his Presidency we can only hope that he will stick to his guns and force Congress to be responsible stewards of the people's money.

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On John Edwards's endorsment and "anger"

According to the New York Times,

"So how is John Edwards feeling about Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York these days? So bad, apparently, that in an interview last week he twice refused to say whether he would endorse her should she win the Democratic presidential nomination."

In the same Article the New York Times mentions that Barack Obama gave a more predictable answer, "“I am a Democrat, and I would support the Democratic nominee,” he said. With a smile, he added, “I intend it to be me.”

While John Edwards is acting in a rather strange way to the idea that he might not be the nominee. Sen. Chris Dodd did not miss the chance to come out and hammer John Edwards. According to MSNBC'S First Read Sen. Chris Dodd had this to say, “I am surprised at just how angry John has become. This is not the same John Edwards I once knew. Of course, we should all come together to support the nominee. I wonder which of the Republicans John prefers to Hillary?”

It appears that the Democrats have really started to turn on each other now and it should be an intresting free for all.

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Congress Just does not get it: Democrats propose $10 billion in new farm subsidies

Farmers who are currently are making record profits are about to get a windfall thanks to a piece of democratically sponsored legislation. Sen. Richard Durban (D-Ill.), Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio), and Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) are the sponsors of the new farm subsidy bill that will give farmers $10 Billion in new subsidies. It is shocking that such a bill would emerge as Farmers are making record profits. This bill, The Food and Energy Security Act of 2007 (S.2302) goes to show that Congress just really does not get what the American people expect out of them.

The Washington Post reports,

"Sugar beet and sugar cane growers would get a new program aimed at protecting their share of the U.S. market in the face of an expected surge in Mexican imports. The 10-year cost: about $1.3 billion.

Tucked into the measure is good news for the companies that store and handle the South's peanut crop. The bill partially reinstitutes a program that was discontinued in 2006, allowing the companies to bill the government for some costs they incur under the federal price-support program. The CBO has set a $175 million, 10-year price tag on that."

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Monday, November 12, 2007

New McCain Ad in New Hampshire knock Hillary's Woodstock Funding

John McCain is running a new ad in New Hampshire that directly attacks Hillary Clinton's earmark for the Woodstock Museum. He also references the wasteful spending of the current Washington establishment. This is a good ad for John McCain as it identifies with an issue he has long been known for. John McCain has always been against the current earmark wasteful spending that is becoming the standard operation of the United States Congress. It also never hurts to take a Hilary shot especially over something as silly as one million dollars for a Woodstock Museum.

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Fred Thompson to Be Endorsed by Right to Life is reporting that Fred Thompson will be endorsed by the Right to Life Committee. This is a big step for Fred Thompson as his campaign is picking up speed. Fred Thompson remains the true conservative candidate and as the records of the other candidates get exposed he could in the end be a candidate that most republicans will be able to gather around.

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Mike Huckabee: "whatever tax is fine with me"

Mike Huckeabee has been running as a conservative. He claims to be the only true conservative. Well, this video should expose the real Mike Huckabee. He is a tax and spend Republican who is only conservative on his stance on abortion. His view on abortion could just be lipservice to get votes judging by the rest of his record.

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Sunday, November 11, 2007

Once Again Hollywood does not get the real America

Robert Redford made an anti-war movie that came out this weekend. Hollywood thought this would be a sucess because they believe that Americans are so anti-war they would flock to this film. Quite the opposite effect happened this weekend. The movie only took in 6.5 Million nationwide. The movie got bad review and the exit polls of those who saw it also trashed it. This just goes to show the elite in Hollywood are not good at determining what the political climate is in main street America.

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Saturday, November 10, 2007

Hillary can not handle the heat? Plants questions in audience

Coming off a bad week last week things just seem to keep getting worse for Hillary. The media has been covering a story that she stiffed a waitress at a deli in Iowa. Now, a story is coming out that Hillary planted people in the audience this week at a stop to ask specific questions. This is just the latest in a series of events that make us question if Hillary is really going to come clean with the American People. She has consitently refused to give a straight answer on many controversial issues, while she has kept records that involve her during her husbands time in the White House sealed. Hillary appears to be afraid of letting the American people see who she really is. It is time Hillary come clean and unseal her records and actually give the Americans People straight answers to the question they want answers to. It appear that may be too much to ask from Hillary Clinton.

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Friday, November 9, 2007

Giuliani's Associates a reason he should not be elected President

Rudy Giulani's friend a former buisness partner Bernard Kerik was indicted today by the Federal Government. Kerik was rumored to be corrupt long before this indictment and he is not the only Rudy associate to have this problem. Russell Harding and Charles Hughes both went to prision for embezzling money. Many others have either been suspected or fired for similar misconduct. The one thing that relates these associates is the Giuliani put them in their positions. Now that Kerik has been indicted Rudy will not say if he would pardon him or not if he were to be convicted. Judging by Rudy's past he most likely would pardon him and maybe even give him a job. In the case of Alan Placa who was fired from the Catholic diocese in New York for covering up some Priest's sexual assault on young boys. Rudy has since hired him on at one of his companies.

All of this puts a cloud over Rudy Giuliani's Presidential Run. Many overtime have asserted that Rudy may well have known what was going on. Even if he did not he has done little to distance himself from those that were corrupt. This is too much for a man who want to be President of the United States. Rudy needs to come clean on what he knew and when as well as what he would do in the future to hold similar associates responsible along with a commitment to never pardon any of these associates. Then and only then should he even be considered for our Nation's highest office.

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Lieberman says what we have all thought, Democrats are being hijacked by "paranoid" fringe

Joe Liberman came out and gave an intresting look at the Democratic Party in the Financial Times. In the article Liberman says this about the party:

"The 2008 Democratic candidates are beholden to a "hyper-partisan, politically paranoid" liberal base that could endanger the final nominee's chances of winning next year's presidential election, Joe Lieberman, the former vice-presidential Democratic candidate, said yesterday."

"[Today's Democrats] are inclined to see international problems as a result of America's engagement with the world and are viscerally opposed to the use of force - the polar opposite to the self-confident and idealistic nationalism of the party I grew up in."

Liberman says what those in his party have been afraid to say because they might stir up trouble with the and DailyKos groups that are out there. The fact is most Americans are not supporters of this fringe elements. The Democrats should realize this before they let them define who they are, which is something most Americans do not identify with.

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Thursday, November 8, 2007

Weather Channel Founder: Global Warming ‘Greatest Scam in History’

The founder of the weather channel has finally said what many believe. That the human impact of global warming while up for debate is being railroaded down our throats for other reasons. Link

"It is the greatest scam in history. I am amazed, appalled and highly offended by it. Global Warming; It is a SCAM. Some dastardly scientists with environmental and political motives manipulated long term scientific data to create in [sic] allusion of rapid global warming. Other scientists of the same environmental whacko type jumped into the circle to support and broaden the "research" to further enhance the totally slanted, bogus global warming claims. Their friends in government steered huge research grants their way to keep the movement going. Soon they claimed to be a consensus.

Environmental extremists, notable politicians among them, then teamed up with movie, media and other liberal, environmentalist journalists to create this wild "scientific" scenario of the civilization threatening environmental consequences from Global Warming unless we adhere to their radical agenda. Now their ridiculous manipulated science has been accepted as fact and become a cornerstone issue for CNN, CBS, NBC, the Democratic Political Party, the Governor of California, school teachers and, in many cases, well informed but very gullible environmental conscientious citizens. Only one reporter at ABC has been allowed to counter the Global Warming frenzy with one 15 minutes documentary segment.


I have read dozens of scientific papers. I have talked with numerous scientists. I have studied. I have thought about it. I know I am correct. There is no run away climate change. The impact of humans on climate is not catastrophic. Our planet is not in peril. I am incensed by the incredible media glamour, the politically correct silliness and rude dismissal of counter arguments by the high priest of Global Warming.

In time, a decade or two, the outrageous scam will be obvious."

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Fred Thompson wants to stop giving companies a free pass on Illegal Immigration

Sen. Fred Thompson released the following statement endorsing H.R. 3554 by Congressman Steve King (R - IA) today and calling for better enforcement of America's laws against hiring those who cannot work in the country legally:

"It's time for America to start enforcing our immigration laws and stop giving businesses that hire illegal workers a free pass. A key principle of my immigration reform proposal is attrition through enforcement. I am supporting a bill by Congressman Steve King, which would deny a tax deduction to employers for the wages they pay to illegal immigrants because it provides a disincentive to employers who hire undocumented workers. Businesses in America that do not play by the rules should not be rewarded under our tax system."

H.R. 3554 would prohibit an employer from taking a deduction for wages paid to illegal aliens while providing safe harbor for employers participating in the electronic verification program.

"I am happy that Fred Thompson has endorsed my bill and it's because he understands that IRS enforcement can be as important as the DHS in enforcing immigration law," said Congressman King.

Sen. Thompson recently released a comprehensive border security and immigration enforcement proposal that would make America safer by increasing security at our nation's borders, enforcing our country's existing laws to reduce the incentive for illegal immigration and streamlining the legal immigration process.

Thompson's two-pronged plan, which can be found in its entirety at , is based on two principles: 1) Securing the Border and Enforcing the Law, and 2) Improving the Legal Immigration Process.

Highlights of the proposal include:

No Amnesty : Amnesty undermines U.S. law and policy, rewards bad behavior, and is unfair to the millions of immigrants who follow the law and are awaiting legal entry into the United States.
Enforce Existing Federal Laws : Enforce the laws Congress has already enacted to prevent illegal aliens from unlawfully benefiting from their presence in the country including:

A.End Sanctuary Cities by cutting off discretionary federal grant funds as appropriate to any community that, by law ordinance, executive order, or other formal policy directs its public officials not to comply with the provisions of 8 USC 1373 and 8 USC 1644, which prohibit any state or local government from restricting in any way communications with the Department of Homeland Security "regarding the immigration status, lawful or unlawful, of an alien in the United States."

B.Deny discretionary Federal education grants as appropriate to public universities that violate federal law by offering in-state tuition rates to illegal aliens without also offering identical benefits to United States citizens, regardless of whether or not they live in the state, as required by 8 USC 1623.

C. Deny discretionary Federal grants as appropriate to states and local governments that violate federal law by offering public benefits to illegal aliens, as prohibited by 8 USC 1621(a).

Increased Border Security : Doubling Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents handling interior enforcement, increasing the Border Patrol to at least 25,000 agents, and increasing detention space to incarcerate illegal aliens we arrest rather than letting them go with a promise to show up later for legal proceedings against them.

Attrition through Enforcement : Reduce the number of illegal aliens through increased enforcement against unauthorized alien workers and their employers. Without illegal employment opportunities available, fewer illegal aliens will attempt to enter the country, and many of those illegally in the country now likely will return home. This course of action offers a reasonable alternative to the false choices currently proposed to deal with the 12 million or more aliens already in the U.S. illegally: either arrest and deport them all, or give them all amnesty.

Maximize Legal Immigration Program Efficiency : Reduce the backlogs and streamline the process for immigrants and employers who seek to follow the law. Also, simplify and expedite the application processes for temporary visas. Caps for any category of temporary work visa would be increased as appropriate, if it could be demonstrated that there are no Americans capable and willing to do the jobs.

Modernize Immigration Law/Policy : Change the nature of our legal immigration system to welcome immigrants who can be economic contributors to our country and are willing to learn the English language and reduce the scope of chain migration by giving family preference in the allocation of lawful permanent resident status only to spouses and minor children of U.S. citizens, and no one else (no siblings, no pa rents, no adult children, etc.).

English as Official Language : Make English the official language of the U.S. to promote assimilation and legal immigrants' success, and require English proficiency in order for any foreign person to be granted lawful permanent resident status.

Preference for American Military Service : Place those foreign persons who are lawfully present in the country and who serve honorably in the Armed Forces of the United States on a faster, surer track to U.S. citizenship.

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Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Voters really dont want higher taxes to pay for the uninsured's healthcare; Evidence Oregon

Yesterday the State of Oregon rejected a plan to raise cigerette taxes to fund health care for the uninsured by a 60%-40% vote. THis is just futher evidence that the propaganda that has been put out by some that people want higher insurace in order to pay for others health care is just not what the mainstream voters really believe.

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Bill Clinton: Hillary "swiftboated"

Bill Clinton has made the claim that Hillary was swiftboated at the debate last week. Come on, this is the most outrageous claim to date. I mean who would have imagined that someone would expect a presidential cantidate to actually answer a question. The fact is as the Hillary camp has made its first stumble they are trying to spin it to be everyone elses fault. It is the fault of the Clinton Machine whose trademark is to not give a straight answer on anything and now that everyone has caught on they are being held accountable. The only swiftboating that was occuring was from Hillary who wanted to make it through the primary with out taking a position on pretty much anything, but she got caught perpetraiting this fraud and is being held accountable.

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Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Another Hillary Paper cover up

Hillary just does not want us to see the REAL Hillary. ABC News is now reporting that another set of papers that were going to be released are going to be held back until 2009. Its time Hillary came clean with the American People. What is that this woman has to hide?


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Poll shows large Majority against Pro-Illegal Issues

Whether Illegal Immigrants should be able to get drivers licenses has been a big topic since last weeks Presidential Debate. The Washington Times has a new poll out that shows that 77% feel they should not have that right. The only democrat who agrees with this massive majority is Chris Dodd. Even 62% of the people polled disagreed with the California version of the Dream Act that is before Congress that most the democratic cantidates support. It is time we tell these Democratic Cantidates to take immigration seriously and stop pandering for votes while sticking us with the price tag of all the Illegals.

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Fred Thompson Ad going up in Iowa

Fred Thompson's First Ad is going up in Iowa here it is below.

Remeber to Contribute Today!

Fred08 - Contribute Now

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Liberal Bias? MSNBC in talks with Rosie, give me a break. From the Book on how to ruin a Network News program

It appears that Rose O'Donnell is in talks with MSNBC. Talk about how to ruin a good news program. MSNBC used to have both sides of issues and both liberal and conservative hosts. Now they are turning hard left. Olberman who used to run a good countdown program now just hate rants during his show and is worse than Bill O'Rielly. MSNBC now wants to end the only conservative nighttime show it has, Tucker which occurs at 6, not even in prime time. The Democrats in Congress love to complain about Rush and Fox while they are taking over all the news networks except FOX. Rosie has not qulifications to run a news program except for her radically crazy views on the world.

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Monday, November 5, 2007

Fred Thompson responds to Huckabee, Thanks for being a Conservative on one issue!

Former Governor Mike Huckabee has been attacking Fred Thompson for taking the sound Constitutional Position that states are the judges of abortion laws not the federal government. He also opposes a Constitutional Amendment becuse that would take state power away and move it to the federal government. In a fox news interview Fred Thompson fired back,

"Yeah, well I don’t need to justify myself to the governor. My record is clear. 100 percent pro-life voting record over 8 years at the national level... I’ve said Roe v. Wade was wrongfully decided. I have been pro-life all my career and I always will be. The difference with me and most of the rest of them is that’s where I was yesterday, that’s where I am today, and that’s where I’ll be tomorrow... Gov. Huckabee talks about this, I suppose, because it’s the only conservative position he’s got. People talk about a sanctuary cities -- he apparently wanted a sanctuary state in Arkansas. He’s very weak on immigration policy. He was one of the highest taxing governors that we had in this country and rivaling Bill Clinton in terms of the CATO ratings and getting a B when Clinton got a B and getting an F for part of his administration. So I can understand why he might want to talk solely about this issue."

The more Huckabee is exposed he resembles less what some conservatives want to make him out to be. In the end the real Conservative in this race is Fred Thompson. Remember the Conservative position is to respect the Consitution and not want more government control.

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Mondale Endorses Hillary: The last tax increase cantidate meets a new one. Did it work our so well for you Walter?

Walter Mondale has now endorsed Hillary Clinton. It is great when two people who both are campaigning on raising taxes can get together. Walter Mondale the only American Presidential Cantidate to campaign on raising taxes lost to Reagan in 1984. The end of his campagin came when he committed to the American people that he would raise their taxes. Now, the current crop of Democratic Cantidates are doing the same thing. I doubt it will work out so well for them in the end too. Leave it to the current Democrats to snatch Defeat from the jaws of victory.

For a Flash back


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Sunday, November 4, 2007

More Kucinich Craziness: Plans to force a vote on Cheney Impeachment Tuesday

Presidential Dreamer Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) plans to force a up or down vote on the Impeachment on Vice-President Dick Cheney. Yes, why make it go through commitee hearings and look into the allocations when you can just skip forward and vote to send the question of the removal of the Vice-President to the Senate. It just shows to what lengths some of the far-left will go to in order to attempt to score political points and attempt to embaress the administration.

Here are the list of his equally crazy co-sponsors and when they signed on.

Rep Baldwin, Tammy [WI-2] - 8/1/2007 Rep Brady, Robert A. [PA-1] - 7/24/2007
Rep Clarke, Yvette D. [NY-11] - 6/6/2007 Rep Clay, Wm. Lacy [MO-1] - 5/1/2007
Rep Cohen, Steve [TN-9] - 8/4/2007 Rep Ellison, Keith [MN-5] - 6/28/2007
Rep Farr, Sam [CA-17] - 7/12/2007 Rep Filner, Bob [CA-51] - 7/12/2007
Rep Jackson-Lee, Sheila [TX-18] - 8/4/2007 Rep Johnson, Henry C. "Hank," Jr. [GA-4] - 6/28/2007
Rep Kilpatrick, Carolyn C. [MI-13] - 9/7/2007 Rep Lee, Barbara [CA-9] - 6/7/2007
Rep McDermott, Jim [WA-7] - 7/10/2007 Rep Moran, James P. [VA-8] - 7/10/2007
Rep Payne, Donald M. [NJ-10] - 8/1/2007 Rep Schakowsky, Janice D. [IL-9] - 5/1/2007
Rep Towns, Edolphus [NY-10] - 9/27/2007 Rep Waters, Maxine [CA-35] - 6/12/2007
Rep Watson, Diane E. [CA-33] - 10/16/2007 Rep Woolsey, Lynn C. [CA-6] - 6/7/2007
Rep Wynn, Albert Russell [MD-4] - 5/10/2007

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Democratic Senate spends days grandstanding and then claims they do not have enough time to work on Improving Education

The Democratically lead senate has found plenty of time to grandstand on many issues since taking control. Apparently accomplishing the work of the people is not one of them. They have failed to pass Appropriations bills to fund the work of the government. Now they are claiming there is not enough time to work on a bill that was supposed to be brought up this year to help improve education by fixing some of the changes needed in No Child Left Behind. In an article on this was said,

"It is is growing less likely that we will get a bill off the House floor in 2007," said Tom Kiley, a spokesman for Rep. George Miller, D-Calif., the chairman of the House education committee. "We continue to work hard on the bill."

What is becoming clear is that the Democratic Leadership of the Senate and Harry Reid in particular are less interested in governing than they are in grandstanding on issues. They have failed to complete the peoples work and should be held accountable.

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Saturday, November 3, 2007

Rudy, Is it Pride or Arrogance?

Rudy this week we found out has been using outdated statistics in his stump speech to indicate his survival chances with Prostate Cancer here in America versus in England. At contention is his claim in an ad in New Hampshire that said, "My chance of surviving prostate cancer, and thank God I was cured of it, in the United States: 82 percent. My chances of surviving prostate cancer in England: only 44 percent under socialized medicine." Well that is not entirely true. The American Cancer Society says five-year survival rates were 95 percent in the U.S. and 60 percent in the United Kingdom.

Instead of correcting the misused statistics,

Giuliani defended his figures as "absolutely accurate" at the time of his prostate cancer treatment in 2000. "Those statistics have changed slightly today," he said Friday.

Rudy has been caught in several of these gaffes over the campaign in every instance he refuses to acknowledge his mistakes. This story would have gone away much better if he has just said that they had pulled an old statistic and would correct it in the future. That would not fit with Rudy though. I am not sure if it is just pride or arrogance, but Rudy seems to refuse to learn from mistakes or even admit to them. Not a good sign for someone who aspires to be President of the United States.

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Romney declares war on Fox News

Mitt Romney has released a campaign video showing scenes from the Fox News Debate in Orlando. Fox has insisted that Cantidates cannot use these clips and last week argued with John McCain about his use of a clip from the same debate. Romney attorney Ben Ginsbert had this to say,

"Indeed, the Romney campaign's use of a very short debate clip to deliver a message about Governor Romney is the very essence of political speech protected by the First Amendment. In addition to the First Amendment, statutes and numerous court decisions protect a political campaign's use of this material in this fashion."

Here is the Ad in question:

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Hillary Clinton Retreats on Pile-on Poltics and White House Papers

Hillary Clinton has had a bad week. In what was a horrible debate performance this week she flubbed a couple of questions and then refused to give straight answers when pressed by her opponents and the moderator. She followed this up with running ads on what she called "Pile-on Politics" where all her opponents were unfairly attacking her because she was a woman and they were all men. Barack Obama responded quickly to this line of reasoning saying that when he was attacked he did not run out and scream it was because of the color of his skin.

The New York Times now reports she is backing of this stategy:

“I don’t think they’re picking on me because I’m a woman; I think they’re picking on me because I’m winning,” Mrs. Clinton said at a news conference at the Capitol after filing papers to run in the New Hampshire primary.

Also in the debate the issue of the Former First Lady's White House papers emerged. The Clinton have been working to block the release of any of her records until 2012. Now after pressure has emerged what appears to be a self-serving withholding from public judgment the Clintons now indicate the documents could be ready as soon as January of 2009. This does not appear to help Obama or Edwards as the early state primaries will be over, but will put the documents out as the General Election starts to heat up.

In what could only be referred to as the Hillary Camp's worst week ever. She has taken positions and backed off them when put under pressure. In what appeared just a week ago to be an unflappable and flawless campagin they are now forming holes fast and quick.

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Friday, November 2, 2007

Harvard says what most knew but the left denies; Media favors Dems and condemns Republicans

A Harvard study has found that not only does the media favor Democrats they give them more coverage. More news stories are run about Democrats then Republicans and the coverage that Republicans do get is more negative that that of the Democrats. This should allow the focus to come off of what Fox News does. If the Republicans created their own news channel it must have been because the rest lie to the masses. Harvard is hardly a conservative institution so this should be eye opening for some. The breakdown is avaliable HERE.

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Thursday, November 1, 2007

Will the Real Hillary Please stand up?

Hillary Clinton is an intresting figure. We have never had a woment President before and in the United States and our first real contender is the wife of a former President. That makes it even tougher to examine this women for her credentials and views because she is shrouded in the cloak of all things Clinton, even while trying to define herself. There is no question that Hillary was involved in her husbands White House. Her role on Health Care made this abudently clear. The real question that stems in the aftermath of that was what else was Hillary involved in during President Clintons terms in office.

We should be able to find that out because the White House keeps detailed records of everything that goes on inside and administration. That bring us to the point that none of that information is avaliable to us. In Fact President Clinton wrote a letter that asked that nothing relating to Hillary's role inside the White House be released until 2012. That is pretty convient she wants to run on a credential of being First Lady but wants none of the documents from that time released to the public. It begs a question though. What does Hillary have to hide?

The fact is that since Hillary was elected to the United States Senate she has been running for President. Her opinion on issues change from the moment she decides to run for the Senate. She has taken much different stands then she did when her husband was President. She has done this to make herself appear as a moderate to reach as many people as possible in a potential Presidential Election. She needed to since her dislike numbers are around 48% she would need every vote possible to win the Presidency. Now, she has defined herself that way with her position on the war and a number of other issues.

That brings us back to the Presidential Records. Why would she not want that information released to the public for them to go through. It is because those records show Hillary for who she really is. Not a moderate, but a liberal democrat. That is why she and with her husband behind the scenes will fight to prevent them from being released. They need her to appear a moderate just long enough to win the Presidency. It is time to call on both Clintons to show us the records. We need to have the real Hillary stand up and tell us who she really is. She is running for President now and this is the time to tell us what she believes in and what she really wants for america. It is not the time for veiled answers and locked records. We are the American People and we demand a full disclosure of the facts so we can form and educated opinion about Hillary.

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