
Monday, November 5, 2007

Fred Thompson responds to Huckabee, Thanks for being a Conservative on one issue!

Former Governor Mike Huckabee has been attacking Fred Thompson for taking the sound Constitutional Position that states are the judges of abortion laws not the federal government. He also opposes a Constitutional Amendment becuse that would take state power away and move it to the federal government. In a fox news interview Fred Thompson fired back,

"Yeah, well I don’t need to justify myself to the governor. My record is clear. 100 percent pro-life voting record over 8 years at the national level... I’ve said Roe v. Wade was wrongfully decided. I have been pro-life all my career and I always will be. The difference with me and most of the rest of them is that’s where I was yesterday, that’s where I am today, and that’s where I’ll be tomorrow... Gov. Huckabee talks about this, I suppose, because it’s the only conservative position he’s got. People talk about a sanctuary cities -- he apparently wanted a sanctuary state in Arkansas. He’s very weak on immigration policy. He was one of the highest taxing governors that we had in this country and rivaling Bill Clinton in terms of the CATO ratings and getting a B when Clinton got a B and getting an F for part of his administration. So I can understand why he might want to talk solely about this issue."

The more Huckabee is exposed he resembles less what some conservatives want to make him out to be. In the end the real Conservative in this race is Fred Thompson. Remember the Conservative position is to respect the Consitution and not want more government control.

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