
Saturday, November 3, 2007

Hillary Clinton Retreats on Pile-on Poltics and White House Papers

Hillary Clinton has had a bad week. In what was a horrible debate performance this week she flubbed a couple of questions and then refused to give straight answers when pressed by her opponents and the moderator. She followed this up with running ads on what she called "Pile-on Politics" where all her opponents were unfairly attacking her because she was a woman and they were all men. Barack Obama responded quickly to this line of reasoning saying that when he was attacked he did not run out and scream it was because of the color of his skin.

The New York Times now reports she is backing of this stategy:

“I don’t think they’re picking on me because I’m a woman; I think they’re picking on me because I’m winning,” Mrs. Clinton said at a news conference at the Capitol after filing papers to run in the New Hampshire primary.

Also in the debate the issue of the Former First Lady's White House papers emerged. The Clinton have been working to block the release of any of her records until 2012. Now after pressure has emerged what appears to be a self-serving withholding from public judgment the Clintons now indicate the documents could be ready as soon as January of 2009. This does not appear to help Obama or Edwards as the early state primaries will be over, but will put the documents out as the General Election starts to heat up.

In what could only be referred to as the Hillary Camp's worst week ever. She has taken positions and backed off them when put under pressure. In what appeared just a week ago to be an unflappable and flawless campagin they are now forming holes fast and quick.

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