
Friday, November 30, 2007

Huckabee a "Disaster" on Immigration

The Washington Times is running a piece about how Immigration groups feel about Mike Huckabee,

"He was an absolute disaster on immigration as governor," said Roy Beck,
president of NumbersUSA, a group that played a major role in rallying the phone
calls that helped defeat this year's Senate immigration bill. "Every time there
was any enforcement in his state, he took the side of the illegal

Finally someone has stood up and called Huckabee on this point. While most Republican Candidates have taken strong views on Immigration Governor Huckabee has treated the issue with mostly fluff. He actually ran an ad in Iowa that said that his Immigration plan was "Chuck Norris." Governor Huckabee has risen in the polls while his record has remained rather unscruitinized. Huckabee was horrible on the issues of Immigration, Taxes, and Ethics while Governor of Arkansas. His administration defended Illegal Immigrants while trying to get them a tuition discount for college educations. The result of his time in office was a net increase in taxes. He also has many ethic complaints filed against him during the time he was Governor.

Mike Huckabee's record is not what he would want you to believe. It is easy to get glossed over when he is fed softball questions in the CNN debate that focused on the Bible and related issues. It is not difficult to give funny one-liners in thirty second debate responses it is much more difficult to lead. When you look at how Former Governor Mike Huckabee leads you realize he lacks the conservative principles that a Republican Nominee should have.

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