
Monday, December 3, 2007

Laws were not meant to force social change, So why the new energy bill?

That sound you are hearing could very well be the founders rolling over in their graves. Congress has decided in all their wisdom to implement new MPG requirements for automakers. Who crazy are the new standards well according Mike Spector of the Wall Street Journal,

Consider the Honda Fit, a Japanese-made subcompact hatchback that's one of
the smallest cars sold in America. Its tiny four-cylinder gasoline engine
averages about 31 mpg in government tests for combined city and highway driving
-- not good enough to beat the proposed 35 mpg.

The effect of this legislation will make cars more expensive as it will cost more to develop cars that will get 35 mpg. There will also be fewer choices of alternatives to cars for consumers, as trucks and SUVs will be harder to produce. The effect will be many more small and subcompact cars.

This is just the latest in oppressive government bills that take freedom and choice out of consumers and gives the authority to the nanny state government. If there was a desire for better mileage cars the companies would make them. Look at how the prius has done. Given a choice consumers will drive the market. This is not a job for an overbearing government and just moves us further aware from the founding principles of America. We fought the Revolution for Freedom not just a new oppresive government telling us what we should want.

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