
Sunday, November 4, 2007

More Kucinich Craziness: Plans to force a vote on Cheney Impeachment Tuesday

Presidential Dreamer Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) plans to force a up or down vote on the Impeachment on Vice-President Dick Cheney. Yes, why make it go through commitee hearings and look into the allocations when you can just skip forward and vote to send the question of the removal of the Vice-President to the Senate. It just shows to what lengths some of the far-left will go to in order to attempt to score political points and attempt to embaress the administration.

Here are the list of his equally crazy co-sponsors and when they signed on.

Rep Baldwin, Tammy [WI-2] - 8/1/2007 Rep Brady, Robert A. [PA-1] - 7/24/2007
Rep Clarke, Yvette D. [NY-11] - 6/6/2007 Rep Clay, Wm. Lacy [MO-1] - 5/1/2007
Rep Cohen, Steve [TN-9] - 8/4/2007 Rep Ellison, Keith [MN-5] - 6/28/2007
Rep Farr, Sam [CA-17] - 7/12/2007 Rep Filner, Bob [CA-51] - 7/12/2007
Rep Jackson-Lee, Sheila [TX-18] - 8/4/2007 Rep Johnson, Henry C. "Hank," Jr. [GA-4] - 6/28/2007
Rep Kilpatrick, Carolyn C. [MI-13] - 9/7/2007 Rep Lee, Barbara [CA-9] - 6/7/2007
Rep McDermott, Jim [WA-7] - 7/10/2007 Rep Moran, James P. [VA-8] - 7/10/2007
Rep Payne, Donald M. [NJ-10] - 8/1/2007 Rep Schakowsky, Janice D. [IL-9] - 5/1/2007
Rep Towns, Edolphus [NY-10] - 9/27/2007 Rep Waters, Maxine [CA-35] - 6/12/2007
Rep Watson, Diane E. [CA-33] - 10/16/2007 Rep Woolsey, Lynn C. [CA-6] - 6/7/2007
Rep Wynn, Albert Russell [MD-4] - 5/10/2007

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