
Sunday, November 4, 2007

Democratic Senate spends days grandstanding and then claims they do not have enough time to work on Improving Education

The Democratically lead senate has found plenty of time to grandstand on many issues since taking control. Apparently accomplishing the work of the people is not one of them. They have failed to pass Appropriations bills to fund the work of the government. Now they are claiming there is not enough time to work on a bill that was supposed to be brought up this year to help improve education by fixing some of the changes needed in No Child Left Behind. In an article on this was said,

"It is is growing less likely that we will get a bill off the House floor in 2007," said Tom Kiley, a spokesman for Rep. George Miller, D-Calif., the chairman of the House education committee. "We continue to work hard on the bill."

What is becoming clear is that the Democratic Leadership of the Senate and Harry Reid in particular are less interested in governing than they are in grandstanding on issues. They have failed to complete the peoples work and should be held accountable.

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