
Saturday, November 10, 2007

Hillary can not handle the heat? Plants questions in audience

Coming off a bad week last week things just seem to keep getting worse for Hillary. The media has been covering a story that she stiffed a waitress at a deli in Iowa. Now, a story is coming out that Hillary planted people in the audience this week at a stop to ask specific questions. This is just the latest in a series of events that make us question if Hillary is really going to come clean with the American People. She has consitently refused to give a straight answer on many controversial issues, while she has kept records that involve her during her husbands time in the White House sealed. Hillary appears to be afraid of letting the American people see who she really is. It is time Hillary come clean and unseal her records and actually give the Americans People straight answers to the question they want answers to. It appear that may be too much to ask from Hillary Clinton.

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