
Thursday, November 29, 2007

CNN is really the Clinton News Network

CNN has now proved that they are totally beholden to the Clintons. First when Hillary was flaming out they stacked the audience and questions in Las Vegas to put her back on solid footing. If it was not enough that they threw a debate to help their favorite candidate, now they have allowed a general on the Hillary steering committee to ask a question at the Republican Youtube debate without even disclosing it. But, it did not stop there, after the candidates addressed his question he was in the audience and Anderson Cooper gave him several minutes to make a speech about gays in the military.

Joe Scarborough on Morning Joe this morning went off on CNN saying,

Before with James Carville sitting there giving his opinions despite the fact
that he's contributed to Hillary Clinton, obviously worked for Bill Clinton, he
sent out letters saying we really need to fight hard for Hillary Clinton. They
didn't even mention it. And again, the damndest thing.
And last night, not
only do they have this guy delivering a YouTube video, they also had him there
sitting in the audience, they had a shot with him It's Bill Bennett, it is
up to Bill Bennett to explain to CNN, and don't tell me that CNN didn't know,
that some people at CNN did not know, that he was part of the Clinton campaign.
Don't lie to me.Maybe Anderson Cooper didn't know, but somebody at CNN that put
this guy in the video knew that.

CNN has proved incapable of not letting their Clinton and liberal bias show. It is time now for the Candidates to stand up and refuse to participate in any CNN sponsored debates and forums. The network should also be investigated by the FEC for making a in-kind political contribution to a Presidential Campaign.

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