
Friday, November 16, 2007

Congressional Democrats want to Lose Iraq War so much they just ignore the military reports

The Washington Times has a great article about the lengths to which the Congressional Democrats will go to lose in Iraq at any cost. They reject the reports now that keep rolling in that progress is being made. They just want to ignore them and pull out leaving Iraq worse off than it is today.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi,

"Certainly any time our military is engaged in military action, we want the best possible outcome for them, and they have produced that," she said. "But their sacrifice and their courage has not been met by any action on the part of the Iraqi government."

Interesting, they have met more benchmarks than her house has passed appropriation bills. Is she really the person to judge the effectiveness of government?

Independent Joe Lieberman observed what is really going on, the war critics "remain emotionally invested in a narrative of retreat and defeat, even as facts on the ground show that we are advancing and winning."

House Minority Leader John A. Boehner went even further, "Democrats can't acknowledge the fact that our troops are winning the war against al Qaeda in Iraq without admitting that they've been dead wrong on the biggest national challenge of our generation at the same time."

In the war in Iraq the death tolls of military and civilians has decline dramatically. Al Queda is on the verge on being eliminated. They are even being able to ease curfews and restrictions throughout Baghdad and the nation. Yet the answer for the democrats to that is not build on the success and finish the job, but all you hear from them is cut and run we cant win. I guess American lives and sacrifices mean nothing to them and their defeat at all cost approach.

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