
Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Far Left Fringe Alert: Code Pink attacks the Democrats too, now

From the Washington Times,

The mostly female group — famous for disrupting congressional hearings and its
demonstrators clad in pink T-shirts and tiaras — has applied for a new tax
status that permits political work for its campaigns against Democrats as well
as Republicans, Code Pink co-founder Medea Benjamin said.
"We felt betrayed
by the very people we helped to put into office," Ms. Benjamin told editors and
reporters at The Washington Times. "We have a particular break with the
leadership of the Democratic Party."

No, they have a break with the American People. The fact remains the anti-america left wing fringe groups want us to lose no matter what the cost is. The fact is troops can not be pulled tommarow without destablizing Iraq. They are not different than the anti-war groups in the late 60's that went as far as to carry Vietcong flags. They are a small group, the "silent majority" of Americans want America to remain strong and finish the job. This is why congress will not change the policy. Later in the story this quote sticks out

"We are disgusted with all of them," Ms. Benjamin said of the Democrat-led
Congress. "We were in Congress today saying, 'Close Gitmo,' and I changed my
sign to say, 'Close Congress.' "

It is amazing that Ms. Benjamin does not get the America Poltical system. Congress is doing its job preventing a small fraction from endagering the country. I hope Code Pink does try to take on the democrats and the Democratic Party shows them just how much of a fringe group they really are.

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