
Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Fred Thompson responds to Sanctuary City in Iowa and has mailer out in Iowa

MSNBC's First Read is detailing Fred Thompson's first Mailer and how he is responding to Iowa's Santuary City in De Moines.

The mailer contains the following text

"What if…" there was a candidate who had a 100 percent pro-life voting record, a
consistent plan to secure the borders and a history of fighting to keep
government spending under control, "Would it make you believe again?"

Beneath that question, at the center of the red, white and blue page,
big letters read: "Don't settle, don't compromise, don't lose faith. You can
believe in Fred Thompson!"
When asked about the idea of a Sanctuary City in De Moines Thompson responded with taking a shot at two of the other cantidates Rudy and Huckabee.
"I don't believe, at the end of the day, Des Moines wants to follow the pattern
of New York City or Little Rock, Arkansas. I think that they will reject
becoming a sanctuary city or anything close to that," Thompson said

Fred Thompson has remained committed to his beliefs throughout this campaign it looks like he is shifting into high gear now. He is the only consistent conservative in this race and as people get closer to actually voting they should start to rally around someone they can actually trust not someone who will say anything to get elected or attempt to buy the election with his own money.

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