
Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Once Again San Francisco does not get it. Want to give IDs to all residents legal or not

According to the San Franciso Chronicle,

"The Board of Supervisors voted Tuesday to issue municipal identification cards to city residents - regardless of whether they are in the country legally - and to double the amount of public money available to candidates running for supervisor.

Supervisor Tom Ammiano, who authored the ID card legislation, said the program is a smart public safety measure because it would make residents living on the social margins of San Francisco more likely to seek the help of police and could give them more access to banking services.

"People are afraid to report crimes," Ammiano said, referring to illegal immigrants who avoid local law enforcement authorities over fear of being arrested or deported by federal immigration officials.

The legislation would require companies holding city contracts to accept the municipal card as a legitimate form of identification - except in cases where other state and federal laws require other forms of proof of age, name and residence."

This just shows how out of touch the City of San Francisco is with the mainstream. Gov. Spitzer was forced to back away from his Id proposal after public pressure crushed his poll numbers. On the San Francisco Chronicle site the poll that asked what readers thought indicated that 85% of the readers were against the proposal. Once Again, It is time for these politicians to understand that the American People do not want Illegal Immigrants to get a free pass. It is time for the governents of this country to recongnize what a majority of Americans already do, that if you want to come to this country to it legally or you are not welcome to get the benefits of those that do.

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