
Thursday, November 1, 2007

Will the Real Hillary Please stand up?

Hillary Clinton is an intresting figure. We have never had a woment President before and in the United States and our first real contender is the wife of a former President. That makes it even tougher to examine this women for her credentials and views because she is shrouded in the cloak of all things Clinton, even while trying to define herself. There is no question that Hillary was involved in her husbands White House. Her role on Health Care made this abudently clear. The real question that stems in the aftermath of that was what else was Hillary involved in during President Clintons terms in office.

We should be able to find that out because the White House keeps detailed records of everything that goes on inside and administration. That bring us to the point that none of that information is avaliable to us. In Fact President Clinton wrote a letter that asked that nothing relating to Hillary's role inside the White House be released until 2012. That is pretty convient she wants to run on a credential of being First Lady but wants none of the documents from that time released to the public. It begs a question though. What does Hillary have to hide?

The fact is that since Hillary was elected to the United States Senate she has been running for President. Her opinion on issues change from the moment she decides to run for the Senate. She has taken much different stands then she did when her husband was President. She has done this to make herself appear as a moderate to reach as many people as possible in a potential Presidential Election. She needed to since her dislike numbers are around 48% she would need every vote possible to win the Presidency. Now, she has defined herself that way with her position on the war and a number of other issues.

That brings us back to the Presidential Records. Why would she not want that information released to the public for them to go through. It is because those records show Hillary for who she really is. Not a moderate, but a liberal democrat. That is why she and with her husband behind the scenes will fight to prevent them from being released. They need her to appear a moderate just long enough to win the Presidency. It is time to call on both Clintons to show us the records. We need to have the real Hillary stand up and tell us who she really is. She is running for President now and this is the time to tell us what she believes in and what she really wants for america. It is not the time for veiled answers and locked records. We are the American People and we demand a full disclosure of the facts so we can form and educated opinion about Hillary.

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