
Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The divisive Obama Cantidacy

Barack Obama's canidacy is becoming apparently more and more divisive. With terms like Racism and Sexism floating in the air it looks now like he cannot count on long time democratic support. Geraldine Ferraro the one time Democratic Nominee for Vice President of the United States has said in a New York Times that, “I think Obama was terribly sexist.” Compare that with the fact that NBC reported on the air tonight that 41% of the Clinton voters in the democratic primary in Kentucky would vote for McCain over Obama. It is hard to trace why such a division has taken place. The division seems to be happening on just gender lines but also the fact that moderate democrats find Obama to be too far left for their taste. The question now as Obama emerges as the presumtive nominee is can he moderate his message to pick up the rest of these votes and in doing so can he prevent from alienating his current supporters?

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