
Saturday, January 12, 2008

When Huckabee is asked about his record all he can do is make personal attacks

In Thursday's Presidential Debate Governor Mike Huckabee's record as Governor was exposed by Sen. Fred Thompson. Instead of addressing the concerns that were raised about his Conservative record Huckabee could only respond by saying, "I think Fred needs some Metamucil, I think it would help a lot. He was in a bad mood last night."

Wrong again, Gov. Huckabee what happened is that you were exposed as the liberal that you are. You raised taxes as Governor, you put illegal immigrants ahead of Americans, and have joined the democrats in the church of bush hate. It is not being in a bad mood to show the true Mike Huckabee. Your record should be exposed because the more that comes out the worse you look. Just because you are a baptist minister does not make you a conservative.

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