
Sunday, January 13, 2008

Nanny State Alert: California wants to control home tempatures

The International Herald Tribune is running this article that says California is giving power to State regulators to control Home thermostats. This is just a growing form of big government that is working to limit your personal freedom while preventing a free market solution to the problem that they are trying to "solve." From the Article,

The proposed rules are contained in a document circulated by the California
Energy Commission, which for more than three decades has set state energy
efficiency standards for home appliances, like water heaters, air conditioners
and refrigerators.
The changes would allow utilities to adjust customers' preset temperatures when the price of electricity is soaring. Customers could override the utilities' suggested temperatures. But in emergencies, the utilities could override customers' wishes.You realize there are times - very rarely, once every few years - when you would be subject to a rotating outage and everything would crash including your computer and traffic lights, and you don't want to do that," said Arthur Rosenfeld, a member of the energy commission.
Reducing individual customers' electrical use - if necessary, involuntarily - could avoid that, Rosenfeld said. "If you can control rotating outages by letting everyone in the state share the pain," he said, "there's a lot less pain to go around."

While no one argues that it is not good to have rolling black outs, the solution though could be a little simpler. How about you all companies to build new capacity in California without burdensome regulation. How about allowing competition to provide power to residents. That would make too much sense when you can just play big brother and take away peoples personal freedoms.

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