
Thursday, May 29, 2008

About that Recession the media has been talking about

For the past several months we have heard time and time again from the media about the horrible Recession that was going on. We have heard from the Bush detractors about the horrible Economy and the Bush Recession. Well, as it turns out we are not in a recession. By the definition of recession it is two quarters of negative growth. Now, originally Economists had predicted a .6% gowth rate in the first quarter. Now, it turns out that the economy grew more than expected at .9%. While that is not great growth it appears to be setting up what Alan Greenspan always called a soft landing where we go in a downturn, which always happens because the economy is cyclical, but we dont go into a recession. That allows the next wave of the cycle to pick and add more growth with no contraction in the economy. It looks we are doing better than the media and poltical talking heads thought, now wait for the spin because nothing can be good as long as President Bush is in charge.

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