
Monday, January 21, 2008

Gen. David H. Petraeus possibly getting a Promotion; He has most certainly earned it

The New York Time is reporting,

The Pentagon is considering Gen. David H. Petraeus for the top NATO
command later this year, a move that would give the general, the top American
commander in Iraq, a high-level post during the next administration but that has raised concerns about the practice of rotating war commanders.

A senior Pentagon official said that it was weighing “a next assignment for
Petraeus” and that the NATO post was a possibility. “He deserves one and that
has also always been a highly prestigious position,” the official said. “So he
is a candidate for that job, but there have been no final decisions and nothing
on the timing.”
General Petraeus has earned a promotion. He has successfully implemented the surge and has made tremendous progress in Iraq. Then instead of being given the appreciation he deserved, the far left took an ad out labeling him a traitor. None the less, he showed up and served admirably. He would serve as an excellent Commander of NATO. I am proud that such great American Patriots exist and are willing to stand up to those who want to blame America for everything and label our Heroes as traitors.

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