
Thursday, October 25, 2007

Rudy apparently make deal with devil to support Red Sox; What is the devil going to do make him the Republican Nominee, God forbid!

The New York Daily News today is reporting today that when asked in July if he could ever root for the Red Sox, "He went on to say he had "great respect" for true Red Sox fans, but as for becoming a Red Sox cheerleader in a Devil's bargain, "Probably that's a deal I could not make," he said." This comment came after being asked the question, "If the Devil said you can be President if you become a Red Sox fan, would you do it?" So has a deal been cut?

Rudy also had this to say, "I'm a Yankee fan," Giuliani replied then. "I always believe it's a sign of my being straight with people, about not wanting to fool them, that I was one of the first mayors to be willing to say I was a Yankee fan."

So it now appears that it is ok for Rudy to "fool people" and he so wants to be President that he may really have cut a deal with the devil. There is a long list of reasons why Rudy is wrong for the Republican Party as well as wrong for America. This is just the latest sign of the ultimate poltical pandering that he will use to get a shot at the Presidency but like always I guess the Devil is in the details.

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