
Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Victory for our military families, Church that pickets soldiers funerals with signs that say "Thank God for Dead Soldiers" found liable

Today a Federal Jury found the Westboro Baptist church liable for invasion of privacy and intent to inflict emotional distress for picketing a soldiers funeral while carrying signs that said "Thank God for Dead Soldiers" and "God hates Fags." The awarded the family of the soldier who brought suit 2.9 Million in compensatory damages and are beginning deliberations on punitive damages. Earlier in the day the church and its founders had been protesting outside the courthouse. From,
"Earlier, church members staged a demonstration outside the federal courthouse, which is located on a busy thoroughfare a few blocks west of Baltimore's Inner Harbor, while passing motorists honked and shouted insults.
Church founder Fred Phelps held a sign reading "God is your enemy," while his daughter Shirley Phelps-Roper stood on an American flag while carrying a sign that read "God hates fag enablers." Members of the group sang "God Hates America,"' to the tune of "God Bless America."

I am glad to see this scary religious group being punished for these outrageous actions. This group is an insult to religious groups and Americans and it appears they are getting their just punishment.

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