
Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Obama Plan: 1 Trillion in Taxes

President Barack Obama came to office promising Hope and Change. But, since taking office he has just offered us fear and misdirection. Now as the Presidents budget is presented we see exactly what he has planned for us all. He loves bigger government and more taxes. In a economic downturn it would seem crazy to offer higher taxes not for obama he plans for an additional 1 trillion of them. What will the money be used for? Well 600 Billion is going to be set aside for socialized medicine. We are also going to pay for alternative energy that will not work with out talking about Nuclear power plants. Oh, and from the guy who wanted no waste there are a mere 9,000 earmarks. And today he comes out against guns. I wonder why he would do that? Because he wants to make sure no one will have any when they decide to follow the Declarations of Independence and try to "alter or abolish" their government.

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